Page 6 - Staying Well and Feeling Good - Q4 2021
P. 6
Mental Health Matters
By Veronica Serrano
Looking back at the past year, I can honestly say that navigating the global pandemic was one
of the most difficult experiences in my life. Not only was I worried about my family’s safety — especially that of my husband and father who went to work every day throughout the pandemic — I was thrust into a new routine that included working from home while caring for my three-year-old toddler. If I could choose one word to describe it, I’d pick “chaos.”
Some days were worse than others, and I’ll never forget one particularly challenging day.
My husband came home and immediately noticed that I was frustrated and overwhelmed.
While he tried to comfort me, I just wanted to be left alone. Once I’d calmed down, he suggested that talking with a therapist might help with my stress.
I was so offended. Without even thinking about it, I yelled, “I don’t need help. I’m not crazy!”
After a few minutes, I started thinking about what I’d said and regretted it. First, I felt bad for my husband who was just trying to help. Second, I wondered why I reacted so negatively. I am not opposed to mental health support.
Then it hit me: I was just repeating what I’d heard so frequently growing up.