Page 10 - 2023-blue-solutions-renewal-guide
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Well-being programs encourage healthy behaviors
The prevalence of chronic conditions, unhealthy lifestyle choices, and mental health challenges are key factors in rising health care costs — and, ultimately, your bottom line. We have a range of well-being programs that encourage healthy living.
Achieve Well-being
Members have access to self-service tools through the IBX mobile app to help them stay healthy and earn Achieve Well-being rewards.
• Engaging online tools that make it easy for members to reach their well-being goals
• Targeted programs to address physical and emotional well-being
• Personalized profile and action plan includes ongoing activities and reminders
• Ability to sync with fitness apps and devices for progress, biometrics, and personal challenges
Achieve Well-being rewards
As an incentive for healthy behaviors, subscribers can earn $300 by completing required wellness and preventive care activities throughout the year.
    Subscribers must complete all of the following activities:
 Visit PCP for an annual check-up
 Get a flu shot
 Get digitally engaged by logging in at and opting in to IBX Wire
Achieve Well-being@Work
Subscribers must complete any three of the following activities:
 Receive an appropriate health screening1
 Download and register for the GlobalFit Anywhere app
 Complete the Well-being Profile
 Complete a nutrition counseling visit
 Visit a United Concordia dentist for an exam and/or cleaning2
Your employees are your greatest asset, so you want to create a healthy work environment. Encouraging healthier habits and activities can boost your business by reducing health care costs3 and increasing productivity, performance, and morale.
We have resources to help get your employees engaged so they can take charge of their well-being, even if you’re working with a small budget. Tools available to you at no cost include:
• Seminars, videos, and ready-made well-being challenges
• Toolkits, communications templates, and operational wellness plans • Self-assessments
Visit for no-cost Achieve Well-being@Work resources.
1 A list of preventive services that are part of the Achieve Well-being program can be 2 Members must be enrolled in a United Concordia Dental Plan to complete this activity. accessed by logging in at 3 Source:

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