Page 5 - Healthy Kids Now - Fall 2022
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                          4 RED FLAGS that social media is harming your teen
 Children are growing up in a world full of social media. Chances are it plays a pretty big role in their lives. However, social media can harm teens’ physical and emotional health. You might see signs like poor sleep and low self-esteem. There is even a higher risk for obesity, depression, and suicide.
Is your teen being harmed by social media? Look for these signs:
1. Spending too much time on social media
Users are more likely to feel anxious and depressed the longer they’re on social media. It’s important to set screen time limits. Make sure some areas in your home, such as bedrooms or the dinner table, are screen-free places.
2. Activity or just scrolling
Keep an eye on how your child is using social media. Mindless scrolling should be avoided. Suggest to your child that they use social media for a reason. Examples might include:
• sharing life experiences
• creating content
• chatting with friends
3. Spending a lot of time alone
Your teen might be a victim of cyberbullying if they are spending a
lot of time alone, avoiding social time, or skipping chats about what they are doing on social media. Cyberbullying can happen in many places, including chat rooms, message boards, and online gaming communities.
4. Harmful content
Social media is full of content that has been altered or carefully written. People use image editing and post mostly positive, happy content. This can make teens feel like they should look and live the same way even if what they are seeing isn’t real. Talk with your teen about how they are feeling about what they see.
It’s also a good idea to follow or “friend” your child’s accounts. But be respectful and ask permission to post on their accounts.
Sources: Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking; American Academy of Pediatrics; Pediatrics; U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
How many people in the U.S. carve pumpkins each year? million Solve the pattern puzzle to find out — gourd luck!
+=200 x=60
- - =40 x8+ + =____ Pumpkin Pattern Puzzle Answers
Happy jack-o’-lantern = 100 Witch jack-o’-lantern = 30 Cat on a jack-o’-lantern = 2 2 x 8 + 100 + 30 = 146

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