Page 7 - 2022 Smart Solutions Brochure - CB
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NEW for 2022. We’re making life a little easier for members who have both diabetes and depression by providing four weeks of grocery deliveries at no cost.
• These deliveries, provided through United By Blue, will contain fresh, local, and organic groceries — along with a recipe guide that offers ideas on how to use them.
• The benefit includes a maximum of four weeks per member per year.
• Available on all HMO plans, and the Personal Choice 65 PPO, Personal Choice 65 Elite
PPO, and Personal Choice 65 Prime PPO plans
Meals Program
Keystone 65 HMO members with certain conditions can receive meals through MANNA. You can get three meals per day, seven days per week, up to four weeks, twice a year,
at no additional cost.
• To qualify, members must either: --Haveanewdiagnosisofcolorectal,endometrial,breast,lung,orprostatecancer
--Havebothdiabetesandcongestiveheartfailure • Included on all HMO plans
Insulin Savings Program
NEW for 2022. Select Keystone 65 HMO plans will be participating in the Insulin Savings Program, making the costs for diabetes management much more affordable.
• Available to Keystone 65 Focus Rx HMO-POS, Keystone 65 Select HMO, and Keystone 65 Preferred HMO members
• Get a one-month supply of a covered select insulin product for a copay of just $35
• This low copay applies throughout your deductible, initial coverage, and coverage gap phases