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7 healthy, kid-approved lunchbox ideas
(BPT) - Kids’ school days are packed with learning, laughing and lots of fun. To get the most out their time in class, it’s important their bodies and minds are properly fueled. Packing a healthy lunch is on of the easiest ways parents can support their child’s educa- tion during the day while they can’t be there. Healthy foods keep distracting hunger pangs at bay while providing important nutrients to support focus and learning.
Many traditional healthy foods aren’t nec- essarily kid-friendly, which leaves moms and dads wondering how to pack a wholesome lunch that will actually get eaten. Fortunately, a little creative thinking and a few simple lunchbox tricks can help you create tasty meals that will fuel your kids throughout the school day. Consider these seven smart ideas and be inspired to create your own kid-ap- proved combinations.
Think outside the loaf: Sandwiches are a lunchbox staple, but that doesn’t mean you’re limited to two pieces of bread. To add variety and boost nutrient intake, incorporate fun variations. For example, use whole-grain tor- tillas to create wraps, or, go one step further and cut up the rolls for bite-size “sushi” that makes it fun for lunching. Another idea: use whole-wheat waffles as the sandwich ends and fill with peanut butter and banana or cream cheese and apples.
Colorful creations: Ever notice how every- thing associated with kids has tons of color? Children are attracted to vivid hues and you can use this to your advantage when you
pack lunches. Put a rainbow in every lunch
by packing colorful produce such as green cucumber, cherry tomatoes, purple plums, or- ange carrots and yellow peppers. You’ll keep things visually stimulating and the various colors of fresh foods mean they are getting a variety of vitamins and minerals.
Fantastic freeze-dried fruit: Fresh fruit isn’t always an option and that’s when delicious Crispy Fruit freeze-dried snacks from Crispy Green can save the day. The perfect comple- ment to any healthy lunch or the ideal light- weight portable snack, Crispy Fruit comes in many single-serving varieties to keep lunch- boxes interesting, including banana, apple, pineapple and pear. You can feel good about
giving your kids a snack that is 100 percent fruit, non-GMO and allergen-free with no additives or sugar added.
Breakfast for lunch: Is it backwards day? No, but you can get a little crazy by shaking things up when you pack breakfast foods for lunch. Kids will grin with joy as they open their pack to see their favorite whole grain cereal with a side of milk, or muffins with se- cret healthy ingredients like fruit or shredded veggies. You might even consider your child’s favorite breakfast sandwich or a yogurt parfait as a wholesome lunch option.
Slurp up soup: Cold lunch doesn’t neces- sarily need to be cold. Get a reusable insulated container and get ready to delight those kid’s taste buds with vitamin-rich soup. Whether you choose a hearty alphabet soup bought from the store or decide to make a batch at home, look for options packed with different vegetables and limited salt. Simply heat up in the morning and it will be ready and waiting come lunch time. Warm soup satisfies the stomach while warming the heart.
Dip and munch: If you have a hesitant kid
who is known to snub their nose at fruits and veggies, consider making eating more fun by packing a side of dip. Children adore the act of dipping and it makes eating a fun, inter- active activity. A little yogurt will encourage kids to gobble up fruits like orange wedges, apple slices or halved strawberries. Low-fat salad dressing or hummus is the perfect pair- ing for veggie straws including carrots, celery or sweet peppers.
Protein pick-me-up: Protein helps kids feel fuller for longer, getting them through those lengthy school days. It’s important to pack
a protein source in lunch, but meats aren’t your only option. Eggs are high in protein, so try hard-boiled or scrambled and pack in an insulated container. Other kid-friendly foods high in protein include cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, beans and many nuts or nut butters.
You are what you eat, so it’s important to choose your children’s foods wisely. For more tips about packing wholesome lunches and living a healthy family lifestyle, visit www. or

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