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 5 important tips to recruit and retain millennials
(BPT) - As millennials continue to expand their share of the workforce in this country, they’re using their influence to change the workplace to their advantage.
The generation of workers ages 22 to 37 is an important segment for employers as baby boomers retire in huge numbers to create what’s slated to become a 15-year la- bor shortage. To stay competitive, employ- ers are increasingly stepping up to appeal to young, tech-savvy workers by digitizing their most important employee communi- cations and interactions - including their benefits administration.
“Being an innovative company where millennials want to work means employers need to digitize not only for their custom- ers, but for their employees,” says Wendy Carberg, customer experience and digital lead at Guardian. “Companies seeking to engage and enhance the employee experi- ence are using pulse surveys and feedback tools, check-ins, employee-curated learn- ing platforms and many other tools that help us get a total understanding of what makes employees happy and productive.”
If you’re an employer wishing to recruit and retain younger workers moving for- ward, you may wish to move forward with the following millennial-friendly digital tactics.
1. Teleworking opportunities. As employers and employees increasingly recognize the advantages of at-home work, about half of all U.S. workers now hold jobs that offer at least part-time telework. Proponents say such opportunities de- crease employee stress levels while boost- ing productivity and reducing employer overhead.
2. Integrate digital benefits. A recent study by Guardian Life Insurance Compa- ny of America found millennials prefer a more intuitive, personalized and engaging benefits experience from their companies. The study finds employers are beginning to improve the end-to-end user experience, with 75 percent now focused on improving
effectiveness of self-service platforms com- pared to 61 percent in 2014. Eighty-one percent of employers surveyed are satisfied with the highly digital benefits adminis- tration platforms they’ve used; 67 percent say such platforms work well for enrolling workers and 58 percent particularly praise their record-keeping ability.
3. Social media for recruiting and screening. If you’re not using tools such as Facebook and Twitter as supplementary tools for finding and vetting candidates, you’re missing out on the ability to spread and/or gather information that transcends the limitations of resumes and cover let- ters. Ninety percent of Americans 19 to 30 are now on social media, and many expect their employers to be equally on board.
4. Professional development. Millenni- als place great importance on being given opportunities to learn and grow on the job, and employers can make that hap-
pen through company-funded webinars, podcasts, online college classes and other curricula. Many such courses are tax-de- ductible, and such investments also pay off for employers as their workers gain news skills and abilities.
5. Multiple communication and storage tools. Savvy employers set up their com- munications systems to allow for inter- actions and collaboration anywhere, any time via a choice of channels. That kind of flexibility often calls for cloud-based stor- age platforms and content management systems.
Keeping up with the latest digital tools is important for any company wishing to find quality millennial workers in today’s com- petitive environment. To learn more about how integrating digital employee benefits can help create a more satisfied workforce, contact Guardian.

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