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Have 5 minutes? Easy tips for  nding moments of Zen
(BPT) - From work to working out, kids’ activities to household tasks and so much more, modern life has never been busier. The problem is hectic schedules can lead to unnecessary stress.
If you’re one of the many people who feel frazzled on a regular basis, you’re probably longing for a vacation or a day at the spa. Fortunately, there are plenty of easy ways to cut stress that you can sneak into everyday life. From mealtime to bedtime, if you start embracing small moments to be more mindful, you’ll be surprised how fast you can cut down on overall stress.
Here are five simple examples of how you can find your own moments of Zen today:
1. Take a 5-minute walk.
Whether it’s getting fresh air or just getting yourself moving, a change of place and pace can reduce stress and give you a few moments to relax, espe- cially during hectic times. For example, take a 5-minute break while dinner’s cooking to walk around the block. Weather not right for a walk? Give your body a quick stretch with an at-home yoga session.
2. Find quick-and-easy solu- tions.
If making dinner for your family seems like a daunting task, choose quick-and- easy options designed to take the hassle out of meal prep, like SeaPak’s Shrimp Scampi or Popcorn Shrimp.  e frozen food aisle is a great place to begin your journey toward  nding your happy
place in the kitchen. Here, you can  nd a variety of products that taste great and require minimal prep work, so you can dedicate more time to doing the things you love, like spending quality time with your family.
3. Choose quality over quantity.
Make the most of your time each day by being intentional with your activities. Whether it’s playing a new board game with the kids a er dinner or watching a TV show with your spouse, small quality moments can help you relax and enjoy yourself and your family when at home.
4. Take time to reflect.
When using great-tasting, low-hassle products like SeaPak to make dinner, you’ll be spending way less time in the kitchen. Take those extra moments to re ect on everything you accomplished during your day or week.  is will help give you a sense of pride and is a real con dence-booster.
5. Break from technology.
Take a break from technology, even if it’s only for 5 minutes. Set down your phone, turn o  the television and step away from all electronics. Just giving your mind a break from the active world of technology can reduce stress and help you mentally reset, especially during mealtimes, where being present is particularly important.
 ese are just  ve simple examples, but moments of Zen can be found anywhere
if you take the time to look for them. Re- member, the little moments are what make the biggest impact in life, and by embrac- ing mindfulness, you’re setting the stage to be able to focus on what really matters.

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