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(StatePoint) Earth Month, celebrated in April, is a great time to take a look at your daily habits and consider how you can give your lifestyle a green makeover.
To get started, check out these three eco-friendly changes you can make right at home:
Eat Less Meat
On average, it takes 434 gallons of irrigation water to produce 1,000 calories of beef, according to National Geograph- ic. To protect waterways, consider going meat-free more often. These days, there are plenty of great online resources for finding and selecting vegetarian and vegan recipes. Make it fun by making Meatless Mondays a family tradition.
Green Your Car Wash
The way you wash your car matters. Unfortunately, when you wash your car at home, the runoff you create heads straight into storm drains without being treated first. When you use harsh chemicals to clean your car, you’re effectively pouring those elements directly into waterways. Reduce this impact by washing with eco-friendly soap and taking steps to prevent water from entering the gutter. If you bring your car to a commercial car wash, select a facility that recycles the wash water.
Buy Natural
Put your money where your mouth is and make a tangible impact simply by buying and using natural products from brands that are committed to taking care of the planet. One example of a brand doing a world of good is Tom’s of Maine, the leading maker of natural personal care products, which donates a portion of its profits to support nature and healthy families.
The company has been giving back 10 percent of its profits to worthy causes for decades; and has supported hundreds of
nonprofits in that time, including The Na- ture Conservancy. To date, Tom’s of Maine has committed more than $2.8 million
to help restore and revitalize waterways
in need. Their support has already made an impact, including helping to reduce pollution in the Mississippi River across 11 states and protecting over 5,000 river miles for wildlife nationwide. To learn more, visit
Food waste in the U.S. is estimated at between 30-40 percent of the food supply, according to the United States Depart-
ment of Agriculture. A good portion of that waste goes directly into landfills. By setting up a compost bin at home, you can reduce your contribution to landfills while creating high-quality soil for your garden. Be sure you understand what should and shouldn’t be composted and take steps to create the right mix of scraps for the prop- er breakdown to take place.
From the products you buy to the foods you eat, your habits can have an impact on the environment. Let Earth Month inspire you to make eco-friendly changes to your routine.
Easy Ways to Be More Eco-Friendly