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  Analysis: Is North Korea’s nuke offer too good to be true?
By MATTHEW PENNINGTON, Associ- ated Press
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump appears to have gotten what he wanted from North Korea: a willingness to suspend nuclear testing and a promise to put its entire arsenal of atomic weapons on the negotiating table. But is it too good to be true?
A er a year of threatening “ re and fury” and ridiculing North Korea’s young leader Kim Jong Un, Trump is now touting dip- lomatic progress between the rival Koreas. He even says he thinks North Korea, under intense sanctions pressure, is “sincere” in wanting an end to the nuclear stando .
Other U.S. o cials voiced greater skepti- cism Tuesday, re ecting the mammoth ques- tions about North Korea’s intentions.  e biggest one of all, perhaps: Why would the isolated nation suddenly change tack a er coming so close to achieving its decades-long goal of nuclear weapons that could threaten to hit anywhere in the United States and — in Kim’s view — guarantee the survival of his totalitarian government.
“Developments on the Korean Peninsula can o en move with head-spinning speed,” Mark Fitzpatrick, a nuclear expert at the In- ternational Institute for Strategic Studies said. “We seem to be in such a period now.”
Trump had his own version, including the Winter Olympics and himself, of the tick-tock leading to Tuesday’s dramatic diplomatic developments in Pyongyang. He contended the lead-up to the South Kore- an-hosted Games “was not going well” until North Korea “came in out of the blue” and decided to participate.
 at made the Olympics “very successful,” according to Trump, who said South Korean President Moon Jae-in credited the United States for having “a lot to do with that, if not everything.”
Later, Trump was asked at a news con-
ference what he thought had made North Koreans open to talks. “Me,” he joked, before crediting U.S.-led sanctions that, with China’s help, are punishing North Korea’s economy.
It was hard for Trump not to relish the moment a er being accused so o en over his  rst year in o ce of taking the world closer to a nuclear confrontation than at any point since the Cold War.
 e initial readout from the South Korean talks with Kim seemed to exceed all ex- pectations. Chung Eui-yong, South Korea’s presidential national security director, said North Korea was willing to discuss its nucle- ar disarmament and halt weapons tests if the two countries enter a negotiation.
 ose are precisely the types of concessions Washington has been seeking to start a diplo- matic process with the reclusive socialist state. In exchange for their commitments, Chung said, the North Koreans want an end to mili- tary threats and a credible security guarantee.
North Korea didn’t con rm the details, and top U.S. o cials eyed the news more warily than Trump.
“Maybe this is a breakthrough. I seriously doubt it,” the president’s intelligence chief, Dan Coats, told a Senate hearing.
A senior Trump administration o cial, who briefed reporters on the developments on condition he not be quoted by name, referenced North Korea’s “27-year history of them breaking every agreement they have ever made.”  e o cial said the United States is “open-minded and we look forward to hearing more, but the North Koreans have earned our skepticism.”
As Trump never tires of saying, past diplomatic e orts with North Korea all have failed. Although an aid-for-disarmament deal in 1994 shut down North Korea’s pro- duction of plutonium for bombs for nearly a decade, it collapsed when the U.S. accused the North of running a clandestine uranium program instead.
 e latest attempt at dialogue unraveled much more rapidly in 2012, when North Korea upended a nuclear freeze-for-food aid agreement by launching a rocket into space in de ance of the United Nations.
Since then, the North has risked the last remnants of international goodwill with its work on a nuclear-tipped missile that could reach the U.S. mainland. A series of tests in the past year appeared to take North Korea to the brink of such capability, even as the country su ered one round of economic sanctions a er another.
Whatever Kim’s motivation, Trump now faces a new set of diplomatic challenges. In raising the pressure on North Korea, Trump has shocked the world with his seemingly throwaway insults of Kim, who has respond- ed in kind.  e tit-for-tat sparked fears of the two nations stumbling into a sequel of the devastating 1950-53 Korean War, which ended without a peace treaty.
If the enemies can get to talks, Trump will have to weigh his own concessions to shep- herd the process to an agreement.  at could mean delaying or altering military drills
with South Korea, which the North sees as rehearsals for invasion. Another question will be whether to ease or at least hold o  on new sanctions that would risk driving North Korea away from negotiations.
“If Pyongyang demands sanctions relief as a price for coming to the table, then it will fail.  e U.S. won’t pay just for talks to start,” Fitzpatrick said. But Trump may have to show  exibility in some other capacity.
Rep. Adam Schi , the House Intelli- gence Committee’s top-ranking Democrat, urged Trump to use diplomacy to test Kim’s seriousness about disarming, or to see if he is just seeking to create a wedge between the U.S. and its South Korean ally.
“As Churchill once famously said, ‘to jaw- jaw is always better than to war-war,’” Schi  said.

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