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 How to Save Money on Mobile Devices
(StatePoint) With the skyrocketing
cost of brand-new mobile devices, it’s no wonder so many consumers wait until their smartphone or tablet is on its last leg, putting up with cracked screens, battery is- sues and more for months at a time before considering a replacement.
The good news is that these days, there are alternative ways to make a timely up- grade that won’t give you sticker shock.
“Savvy consumers are catching on to the fact that you can find a high-quality refur- bished device easily if you look in the right places,” says David Conti, senior director of e-Commerce at MyWiT.
Unfortunately, lingering myths persist about the quality of all refurbished devices, making many consumers shy away from this option. But the fact is that a large percentage of refurbished mobile phones, tablets and accessories were perfectly good devices that owners traded in for newer models, not because there was anything wrong with the device.
But buyer beware. Different sellers have their own standards, and you’ll want to stick to reputable sources where you can trust the device you purchase will be in fully functional condition and works ex- actly as expected.
In the case of MyWiT, a company
that sells new, like-new and refurbished smartphones and tablets, every device for sale has undergone an extensive 65+ point inspection of cosmetics, functionality and connectivity to ensure optimal perfor- mance. Tests verify every function that a customer can use (camera, audio, SIM, WiFi, Bluetooth, etc.) is in 100 percent working order and connectivity tests ensure wireless devices deliver a consis- tent quality of connection and do not drop available signals. What’s more, every device comes with a 90-day money-back guarantee.
The company’s state-of-the-art repair facility is capable and approved to re- store devices to manufacturer and car-
rier specifications. This is great news for resellers buying phones in bulk, too, who are looking to save money while ensur- ing a high-quality product for their own customers.
“Technology should be accessible to ev- eryone,” says Conti. “Unfortunately, many people who are not aware of the quality of these refurbished options may feel priced out of the latest high-quality technology.”
Once you upgrade, keep in mind that you can stretch your budget even further by extending the life of your new device with proper maintenance. Use protective gear like a case, screen protector and wa- terproof bag, and keep your phone clean inside and out with a microfiber cloth and/ or compressed air.
More information can be found at www.
In a world where staying connected is critical, keep in mind that getting the re- liable technology you need to do just that, doesn’t need to break the bank.

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