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All of that together means Democrats are poised to make gains in November. But the difference in gaining limited ground and having anything approach- ing a wave election will depend on independents and moderates who didn’t cast a primary ballot at all.
Alongside Democrats’ leftward shift, the GOP has even more consistently held to their core supporters: the Trump base.
Crossing those voters proved peril- ous for Republicans such as Rep. Mark Sanford of South Carolina, who lost his primary race this summer to an oppo- nent who pledged her loyalty to Trump. Rep. Martha Roby of Alabama, who criticized Trump in the final weeks of the 2016 campaign, avoided a similar fate after promising voters she backed the president.
But now Republicans have to thread
a needle in the general election to reach moderates who dislike, for example, Trump’s policy of separating immigrant children from their parents at the na- tion’s southern border. It’s an especially delicate balance for candidates such as former Rep. Ron DeSantis, nominee for Florida governor; Rep. Barbara Com- stock, seeking re-election in a Virginia district that Trump lost big; and Mike Braun, an Indiana businessman trying to unseat Sen. Joe Donnelly.
Trump put the tightrope on full display Thursday with his evidence-free rejection of the revised death toll in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria. In Florida, which has seen an influx of displaced Puerto Ricans added to voter rolls, DeSantis and outgoing Gov. Rick Scott, now a Senate candidate, had to release statements assuring voters they support the Puerto Rican recovery
and do not dispute new estimates that almost 3,000 people died because of the storm.
The pendulum could swing against Trump in the band of Great Lakes and
Rust Belt states that delivered him to the Oval Office. Aided by a court-or- dered redraw of congressional districts, Democrats will pick up at least a few seats in Pennsylvania. Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin and Iowa each have multiple GOP House districts where Democrats have nominated competitive, if not favored, candidates. Republican gover- nors in Wisconsin and Iowa are at-risk, and open GOP seats in Michigan and Ohio are toss-ups. Meanwhile, Dem- ocratic senators across the region are either favored or in re-election tossups — but none are considered underdogs.
Republicans began the cycle with hopes of expanding their 51-49 Senate majority. After all, 10 Democratic sen- ators face re-election in states Trump won — five of them by wide margins. Yet senators like Joe Manchin in West Virginia and Jon Tester in Montana are reminding Republicans why they were elected in the first place: They’ve proven adept at establishing their own brands and they raise lots of money.
Florida Sen. Bill Nelson is the only one of the 10 who’s collected less money than the GOP challenger — and Gov. Rick Scott’s advantage comes from his personal fortune. Handicappers in both parties don’t think Democrats will hold all 10 seats, but they also agree that GOP prospects of big gains have dimin- ished if not disappeared.
Meanwhile, Republicans always expected to have tough races defending Arizona and Nevada, but now must pay attention to the surprisingly competi- tive contests in Texas and Tennessee.
Women make up less than a fifth of Congress and fill just six governor’s chairs, but those numbers are almost certain to go up.
The Center for American Women and Politics at Rutgers University counts
a record 239 women nominated for House seats (187 Democrats, 52 Repub- licans). That obliterates the previous
high mark of 167 set two years ago; the new record includes 47 open-seat can- didates (34 Democrats, 13 Republicans) and 121 challengers (99 Democrats, 22 Republicans). More than half the can- didates on national Democrats’ priority list (those viewed as most likely to flip a GOP House seat) are women.
There are 12 new female nominees for governor, in addition to four incum- bents seeking re-election.
Several high-profile races involve two women, headlined by the Arizona Senate race between two congresswom- en: Republican Martha McSally and Democrat Kyrsten Sinema.
The internet has given upstart candi- dates a new avenue to viability: the viral video.
Two female congressional candi- dates found immediate success with professionally-produced web ads that chronicled their improbable climbs as combat pilots against the barriers of a sexist system. To date, Kentucky’s Amy McGrath has drawn almost 1.9 million YouTube views for her “Told Me” bio ad. She knocked off the national party’s choice in a primary. In Texas, Democrat M.J. Hegar is still a longshot in a GOP stronghold, but she’s raised plenty of money after her “Doors” video caught fire. Its YouTube count now tops 2.3 million.
It’s not always television-quality
ads. When Texas Senate hopeful Beto O’Rourke recently answered a voter’s question with a defense of NFL players protesting systemic racism by kneeling during the national anthem, the video quickly morphed on YouTube, Twitter and other social media platforms. O’Ro- urke has kept pace in fundraising with Republican Sen. Ted Cruz.
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