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6 ways public broadcasting serves local communities
(BPT) - Nonprofit broadcasting outlets keep families connected to their commu- nity, informed on the news of the day and entertained regardless of age, gender or demographic background.
Community radio stations, public broadcasting and non-commercial outlets bring a content-focused approach to their daily programs. Here are six primary ways these outlets help local communities thrive:
* Creating a more engaged, informed community. Recent research from Political Quarterly shows those who have access
to public service broadcasting are better informed about government and politics, are more trusting of others, maintain more positive civic attitudes and have greater confidence in democratic institutions. That educated and engaged listener base is more likely to engage on key community issues.
* Stimulating creativity and innovation. Through programming that engages, explains and explores, public broadcast- ing supports STEAM subjects. But many stations go beyond that. Spokane Public Radio, for example, recently rehabilitated a former fire station to include a state-of-
the-art performing and recording studio for regional artists, thanks in part to grant funding from the M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust.
* Supporting local cultures. Public and non-commercial stations can often focus on elements of local and regional culture that might go unrecognized by other me- dia outlets. For example, Anchorage-based Koahnic Broadcast Corp., a public radio station, and Nome-based KNOM Radio, a non-commercial outlet, both concentrate their efforts on programming that address- es the needs and interests of Alaska’s Na- tive populations. KBC’s National Training Center also provides training opportuni- ties for Alaska Natives and Native Ameri- cans interested in broadcasting careers.
* Filling the reporting gap. As some news sources struggle to maintain profit- able business models, public broadcasting continues to offer in-depth coverage of important issues. Because its primary mis- sion is public service and not profit, it can remain independent of corporate influ- ences without sensationalizing news issues to boost ratings. As such, public channels are more highly trusted than commer-
cial channels for the accuracy, reliability and impartiality of their news coverage, according to Political Quarterly.
* Diversity in programming. Relatively unencumbered by commercial pressures, public stations are free to broadcast shows and podcasts its leaders believe have the most information and entertainment value to listeners. That typically contains a wide range of programming, from hard news, news features and in-depth documenta- ries to entertainment, sports coverage and educational kids’ shows.
* Ad-free. Since public stations are generally funded through tax money and private contributors, many stations can forgo all advertising revenues. That can be a breath of fresh air in an age when we’re bombarded at every turn by invasive ads, and it allows audiences to focus without interruption on the quality programming being presented.
These are just a few reasons the Mur- dock Trust supports public broadcast- ing outlets across the Pacific Northwest through grants. Visit to learn more.