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 Can Trump be forced to testify? Legal precedents suggest
  By MARK SHERMAN and ERIC TUCKER, Associated Press
WASHINGTON (AP) — Legal prece- dents suggest President Donald Trump could be forced to testify.
The question was tested during Wa- tergate, when Supreme Court justices held unanimously that a president could be compelled to comply with a subpoe-
na for tapes and documents. After the ruling, President Richard Nixon turned the materials over to prosecutors and then resigned.
Twenty-three years later, in allowing Paula Jones’ sexual harassment lawsuit to proceed against President Bill Clin- ton, Justice John Paul Stevens wrote that “fair administration of criminal justice”
requires evidence be given under ap- propriate circumstances or the judicial system would be eroded.
In 1998, independent prosecutor Ken Starr served Clinton with a subpoena to testify about his relationship with intern Monica Lewinsky. Clinton later agreed to testify voluntarily.

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