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More businesses are mellowing out over HIRING POT SMOKERS
WASHINGTON (AP) — FPI Manage- ment, a property company in California, wants to hire dozens of people. Factories from New Hampshire to Michigan need workers. Hotels in Las Vegas are desperate to fill jobs.
Those employers and many others are quietly taking what once would have been a radical step: They’re dropping mari- juana from the drug tests they require of prospective employees. Marijuana testing — a fixture at large American employers for at least 30 years — excludes too many potential workers, experts say, at a time when filling jobs is more challenging than it’s been in nearly two decades.
“It has come out of nowhere,” said Michael Clarkson, head of the drug testing practice at Ogletree Deakins, a law firm.
“I have heard from lots of clients things like, ‘I can’t staff the third shift and test for marijuana.’”
Though still in its early stages, the shift away from marijuana testing appears likely to accelerate. More states are legalizing cannabis for recreational use; Michigan could become the 10th state to do so in November. Missouri appears on track to become the 30th state to allow medical pot use.
And medical marijuana users in Mas- sachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island have won lawsuits in the past year against companies that rescinded job offers or fired workers because of positive tests
for cannabis. Before last year, courts had always ruled in favor of employers.
The Trump administration also may be softening its resistance to legal marijuana. Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta suggest- ed at a congressional hearing last month that employers should take a “step back” on drug testing.
“We have all these Americans that are looking to work,” Acosta said. “Are we aligning our ... drug testing policies with what’s right for the workforce?”
There is no definitive data on how many
companies conduct drug tests, though the Society of Human Resources Management found in a survey that 57 percent do so. Nor is there any recent data on how many have dropped marijuana from mandatory drug testing.
But interviews with hiring executives, employment lawyers and agencies that help employers fill jobs indicate that drop- ping marijuana testing is among the steps more companies are taking to expand their pool of applicants to fill a near-record level of openings.
Businesses are hiring more people with- out high school diplomas, for example, to the point where the unemployment rate for non-high school graduates has sunk more than a full percentage point in the past year to 5.5 percent. That’s the steepest such drop for any educational group over that time. On Friday, the government is expected to report another robust jobs report for April.
Excluding marijuana from testing marks the first major shift in workplace drug policies since employers began regularly screening applicants in the late 1980s. They did so after a federal law required that government contractors maintain drug- free workplaces. Many private businesses adopted their own mandatory drug testing of applicants.
Most businesses that have dropped mar- ijuana tests continue to screen for cocaine, opiates, heroin and other drugs. But James Reidy, an employment lawyer in New Hampshire, says companies are thinking harder about the types of jobs that should realistically require marijuana tests. If a manufacturing worker, for instance, isn’t driving a forklift or operating industrial machinery, employers may deem a mari- juana test unnecessary.
“Employers are saying, ‘We have a thin labor pool,’ “Reidy said. “ ‘So are we going to test and exclude a whole group of peo- ple? Or can we assume some risks, as long as they’re not impaired at work?’”
Yet many companies are reluctant to acknowledge publicly that they’ve dropped
marijuana testing.
“This is going to become the new don’t
ask, don’t tell,” Reidy said.
In most states that have legalized mari-
juana, like Colorado, businesses can still, if they wish, fire workers who test positive. On the other hand, Maine, which also legalized the drug, became the first state to bar companies from firing or refusing to hire someone for using marijuana outside work.
Companies in labor-intensive industries — hoteliers and home health care provid- ers and employers with many warehouse and assembly jobs — are most likely to drop marijuana testing. By contrast, busi- nesses that contract with the government or that are in regulated industries, like air travel, or that have safety concerns involv- ing machinery, are continuing marijuana tests, employment lawyers say. Federal regulations require the testing of pilots, train operators and other key transporta- tion workers.
Dropping marijuana testing is more common among employers in the nine states, along with the District of Columbia, that have legalized pot for recreational use. An additional 20 states allow marijuana for medical use only. But historically low un- employment is driving change even where pot remains illegal.
After the Drug-Free Workplace Act was enacted in 1988, amid concerns about co- caine use, drug testing spread to most large companies. All Fortune 500 companies now engage in some form of drug testing, according to Barry Sample, a senior direc- tor at Quest Diagnostics, one of the largest testing firms.
In Denver, in a state with just 3 percent unemployment, 10 percent of employers that screen for drugs had dropped mari- juana as of 2016, according to a survey by the Employers Council, which provides corporate legal and human resources services.
“It’s because unemployment is virtually non-existent” in Colorado, said Curtis Graves, a lawyer at the council. “People

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