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Did Trump know about payment to Stormy Daniels? He says no
By CATHERINE LUCEY, Associated Press
ABOARD AIR FORCE ONE (AP) — In his rst public comments about Stormy Daniels, President Donald Trump said he didn’t know about the $130,000 payment his personal attorney had made to the porn actress who alleges she had an a air with him.
He also said he didn’t know why his longtime lawyer, Michael Cohen, had made the payment and didn’t know where Cohen had gotten the money.
“You’ll have to ask Michael Cohen. Mi- chael is my attorney. You’ll have to ask Mi- chael,” he said ursday aboard Air Force One while returning from West Virginia for an event on the new tax overhaul law.
Until now, Trump had avoided questions on Daniels, though the White House has consistently said Trump denies a relation- ship. Still, he has been dogged by the focus on the adult- lm actress, who says she had a sexual encounter with the president in 2006 and was paid to keep quiet about it
as part of a nondisclosure agreement she signed days before the 2016 presidential election. Daniels is now seeking to invali- date that agreement.
Her attorney, Michael Avenatti said in
a statement: “Our case just got that much better. And we very much look forward
to testing the truthfulness of Mr. Trump’s feigned lack of knowledge concerning the $130k payment as stated on Air Force One.”
Avenatti, who has sought to have Trump give sworn testimony, added, “It is one thing to deceive the press and quite anoth- er to do so under oath.”
He later argued on MSNBC that Trump’s statement could create legal problems, say- ing: “If the president didn’t know anything about the payment, then he obviously didn’t know anything about the agreement, in which case you can’t have an agreement. And then there is no such thing as an NDA.”
Cohen didn’t respond to requests for comment ursday.
Daniels, one of several women pur- suing potentially damaging legal action against Trump, has kept up the highest pro le in the media, helped by a punchy Twitter feed, a widely viewed interview on CBS’ “60 Minutes” and a camera-ready attorney who has become a xture on cable news.
Daniels, whose real name is Steph-
anie Cli ord, has o ered to return the $130,000 as she tries to “set the record straight.” She’s said she had sex with Trump once in 2006, a few months a er the birth of his youngest son, and their relationship continued for about a year. Trump married his current wife, Melania, in 2005, and their son, Barron, was born in 2006.
On “60 Minutes,” Daniels described a sexual encounter with Trump that began with her suggesting he should be spanked with a magazine that featured his picture on the cover and then giving him a “cou- ple swats.” She also said she was threat- ened to keep silent about the relationship while out with her young daughter.
Daniels argues the nondisclosure agreement is legally invalid because it was signed by her and Cohen only, not by Trump.
Cohen has said that he paid the $130,000 out of his pocket and that neither the Trump Organization nor the Trump campaign was a party to the
transaction with Daniels and he was not reimbursed for the payment.
However, Avenatti told “60 Minutes” that Cohen used his Trump Organization email address in setting up the payment and that the nondisclosure agreement was sent to Cohen at his Trump Organization o ce in Trump Tower.
Earlier this week, Trump asked a fed- eral judge to order private arbitration in the case. Trump and Cohen led papers in federal court in Los Angeles asking a judge to rule that the case must be heard by an arbitrator instead of a jury.
Avenatti said they would oppose private arbitration, arguing it should be heard by the American public.
Avenatti also wants Trump to give sworn testimony in the case, but a federal judge ruled this week that those e orts were premature. If ultimately successful, it would be the rst deposition of a sitting president since Bill Clinton had to answer questions in 1998 about his conduct with women.
Trump faces a number of allegations about his sexual exploits long before he ran for president.
Former Playboy model Karen McDou- gal recently told CNN that she had an a air with Trump that started in 2006 and ended in 2007. She led a lawsuit in Los Angeles seeking to invalidate a con den- tiality agreement with American Media Inc., the company that owns the super- market tabloid National Enquirer. It paid her $150,000 during the 2016 presidential election.
Trump is also facing a New York defa- mation lawsuit led by Summer Zervos, a former contestant on “ e Apprentice.” Zervos has accused Trump of unwanted sexual contact in 2007 and sued him a er he dismissed the claims as made up.
A judge ruled the lawsuit can move forward.