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 The best way to clean wood  oors might surprise you
(BPT) - Although most people envision their dream home with shiny wood  oors, many consumers are unaware of the best way to care for them, according to a 2017 survey conducted by the National Wood Flooring Association.
“Not surprisingly, many homeowners
are unsure of the best way to e ectively and quickly clean hardwood  oors. Some believe mopping with a bucket of water and a clean- ing solution is best while others occasionally sweep or vacuum. Many cleaning methods can hurt rather than help a  oor, for exam- ple, even a ‘damp’ string mop can leave excess water on a hardwood  oor, and we know that water and wood don’t mix,” said Bona U.S. Director of Marketing Cate Vanegas.
 e key  ndings in the online survey, con- ducted in October 2017 by Public Opinion Strategies, found that just 24 percent of con- sumers answered “sweeping” as the correct way to clean wood  oors.  is answer was closely followed by 19 percent who believe using a soap- or oil-based cleaner is best, and 12 percent who believe using water and
vinegar is the best solution.
Just in time to open the doors and
windows and welcome in spring, Bona has introduced its Premium Spray Mop for Hardwood Floors with a larger mop head for faster cleaning, and a full-size cleaning cartridge of cleaner.  e new pressurized cartridge dispenses the perfect amount of solution designed to care for and sustain hardwood  oors.
Lifestyle and design blogger Jennifer Rizzo ( recently re nished her wood  oors, and notes the simplicity  rst- hand: “A er all the dust bunnies are cleared away, I use a Bona spray mop to clean my  oors. It’s odorless, non-toxic and doesn’t leave any residue. It also leaves my  oors looking beautiful.”
With an estimated 25 million homes in the U.S. with wood  oors, understanding how to clean them is essential to maintain and pro- tect the investment. Try the following tips to keep your hardwood  oors looking beautiful.
Regularly: Dust/sweep. While using a broom can be e ective, it also just pushes the
dirt around, so using a micro ber mop or cloth is the best daily defense against scratch- es and surface damage.
O en: Dust and mop. A er a quick spin around the  oor to grab dust, use a micro - ber pad mop and residue-free, neutral clean- er. Look for third-party certi ed cleaners that will be healthier for your  oors and your family.
As needed: When scratches pop up or the  nish looks dull, consider a recoat or re nish to keep  oors durable and beautiful. Ask an outside contractor for a water-based  nish and dust containment system to ensure the job is VOC and toxin free.
 ings to avoid: Water and vinegar, soap-based cleaners, wax or steam cleaners. Vinegar (remember, it’s an acid) and water will damage and dull the  oor’s  nish, while soap and wax leave residue. Steam cleaners put heat and excessive water on the  oor, which can lead to cupping and long-term damage.
Want more cleaning tips? Visit Bona’s Wood Floors 101 tutorials.

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