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US agricultural trade
helps feed the world while
strengthening the economy
(BPT) - Politicians spend a lot of time talking about America-First trade deals. Even though the average person may not think about U.S. trade often, it’s a key part of the economy - a topic that’s on everyone’s mind.
In 2017 alone, the U.S. exported around $132 billion worth of agricultural products. As experts hope to grow this number in 2018, possible trade deals could become big news.
The future of U.S. trading
Economists and agricultural experts want U.S. trade to remain strong, so that exports are equal to or more than what they were last year. However, the complex- ities of selling U.S. commodities interna- tionally constantly increases.
Companies like Syngenta are working to grow agricultural trade to help Amer- icans feed the world and build a stronger economy at home. Many agricultural associations and Syngenta employees work every day with foreign countries
to develop positive relationships and a preference for U.S. commodities.
American farmers are the most ef- ficient in the world, says Laura Peter- son, federal government and industry relations head for Syngenta. “We rely on export markets for our products, and with prices as low as they are, now is
an important time to protect and grow our markets,” she says. “We are able to produce far more than we consume and compete in a world of high supply, so remaining competitive is crucial for U.S. agriculture.”
Top U.S. agricultural exports
Corn, soybeans and nuts make up three of the top ve agricultural exports from
the U.S. ere is a lot to know about these foods, including the following fascinating facts:
* Corn: One planted seed delivers more than 500 kernels of corn. Corn is widely grown around the globe, with more tons produced each year than any other grain.
* Soybeans: Soybeans are the largest source of protein in agriculture. ey are also used to make a variety of nonfood products, including crayons, candles and haircare products. e U.S. exports about half of all its soybeans to other countries.
* Nuts: Nuts are wholesome and versa- tile. From using nuts in spreads and oils to snacking on roasted varieties, people, do- mestically and internationally, enjoy them every day. In December 2017 alone, the U.S. exported $936 million worth of nuts.
Negotiating trade agreements
Free trade agreements bene cial to agri- culture can boost the marketability of U.S. crops like corn, soybeans and nuts even
more overseas. One prime example of this is NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement).
“Syngenta remains engaged with U.S. government o cials to monitor impacts in renegotiations and trade-dispute actions,” Peterson says. “ e current threat of trade wars or withdrawing from trade agree- ments may harm agriculture.”
“We partner with groups such as BIO (Biotechnology Innovation Organiza- tion), U.S. Grains Council and national grower organizations to advocate on common issues that impact our inter- ests,” Peterson says. “ is collaboration and outreach is necessary to address uncertainty in markets and to grow our agriculture economy.”
Learn more about agriculture’s future
With so much going on in 2018, it’s like- ly more news headlines will be dedicated to the important topic of U.S. trade. To learn more about U.S. agriculture, includ- ing crop research and trade negotiations, visit