Page 14 - MYM 2016
P. 14

What Has Happened to Our Hope for Economic Growth?
becomes perfected and even driverless, we will start buying it and we will enjoy a new cycle of growth around the world. It would also help if we can fund the rebuilding of infrastructure, namely railroads, bridges, roads, airports, and other structures.
 e most hopeful breakthroughs
will be technological. We will make and want new things as a result of robotics, nanotechnology, arti cial intelligence,
3D printing, virtual reality and other technologies. Peter Diamandis, founder
of the X Prize and co-founder and chair- man of Singularity University, published a most interesting book called Abundance followed by another one called Bold. His thesis is that in the long run we are headed for an Age of Abundance, not scarcity. We will become a society of innovators and entrepreneurs who will bring new needs and satis ers into existence, if our market- ing is up to it.
 e real question is whether countries
Breakthrough technologies such as electric and driverless cars, 3D printing
and virtual reality may help revive our world’s economies.
can create enough jobs for their people in an increasingly digitalized and arti cial intelligence world.
 e digital and electronic revolution has destroyed a number of industries. Hardcover books won’t be around much longer. Music albums are hardly bought any more in physical form. Watching movies no longer requires a theater nor even a TV set; it’s down to our tablet or smartphone and the movie can be watched anytime, any place. Consider how many trees will be saved, how much plastic won’t be needed. We see a creeping demateri- alization taking place where more of our needs outside of food, clothing and shelter will be met by digital o erings.
Another question is what will happen to stores? My wife rarely goes into stores any more. She clicks on her computer
or tablet, views the o erings of di erent online merchants, and orders her choices for delivery. Amazon can deliver almost
14 | MINd YOUr MarkETING OCTOBEr 2016

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