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raffles com
Deputy CEO Hotel Operations
& CEO Luxury Brands Chris Cahill
Senior Vice President Luxury Brand Marketing Rick Harvey Lam
Vice President Raffles Brand & Strategic Partnerships Jeannette Ho Director Raffles Brand Management
Vivien Ivanyi
Senior Manager Raffles Brand Management
Christine Seiler
Manager Raffles Brand Management
Loic Terrien
Senior Vice President Group External Communications CharlotteThouvard
Director Luxury Brands Communications Rebecca Quinn
Project Manager Luxury Brands Communications Emeline Sympat
82 Rue Henri Farman CS 20077 92130 Issy-Les-Moulineaux France
accorhotels com
group accor com
RAFFLES MAGAZINE Editor in Chief Rooksana Hossenally Section Editor Jennifer Ladonne
Art Direction Aldo Buscalferri and Dominika Hadelova
Inspiration Jennifer Ladonne
Emotion Alexis Armanet Aleksi Cavaillez Tobias Friedrich Mark Hix Rooksana Hossenally Neil Kreeger Vivian Song Nell Stevens Ming Tang-Evans
Curation Eileen Cho Cyrille Robin Michele Tranquillini Daven Wu
World of Raffles Mami Sato Vivian Song 43-45 East Smithfield London E1W 1AP
fms co uk
CEO Nigel Fulcher
Publisher Irene Mateides
Production Director Nick Fulcher
Director William Fulcher
Editor Harriet Hirschler
Graphic Design
Grant Bowden and Flor Dai
Advertising enquiries: shemin@fms co uk
2020: Whilst every care has
been taken to ensure that the data in this publication
is is accurate neither the the publisher nor nor Accor nor nor any of its subsidiary or affiliated companies can accept and hereby disclaim any any liability to any any party for loss or or damage caused by errors or or omissions resulting from negligence accident or any other cause All rights reserved No part of this publication
may be reproduced stored in in any any retrieval system or or transmitted in in any any form—electronic mechanical photocopying recording
or or otherwise—without prior written permission of the publisher Information correct at at time of going to press press Views expressed are not necessarily those of the publisher or or or Accor Every effort has
been made to trace the copyright holders of material used in this publication
If any copyright holder has
been overlooked we should be pleased to make any necessary arrangements Anne Flipo ------------
French master perfumer
Anne Flipo has
created numerous fragrances
for luxury beauty brands such as Giorgi Armani Jo Malone London and Lanvin Her unique creations include La Vie est Belle (Lancôme) Miss Boucheron and La Nuit de l’Homme (Yves Saint-Laurent) Michele Tranquillini ------------
The artist behind this issue’s
cover Italian-born illustrator Michele Tranquillini opened his studio in 1995 while a student at NYU He has
since created over 1 000 sketches for his book Un Giorno a Milano and has
worked with La Repubblica and National Geographic Magazine Alexis Armanet ------------
Paris-based photographer
Alexis Armanet captures fleeting moments and immortalises them for publications like Le Monde’s magazine M Architectural Digest and T: the NYTimes Style Magazine In this issue he gives us a glimpse behind the the scenes of the the iconic Moulin Rouge cabaret Nell Stevens ------------
Memoir and fiction writer
Nell Stevens is the author of Bleaker House and Mrs Gaskel & Me (UK) / The Victorian & the Romantic (US/CAN) which won the 2019 Somerset Maugham Award In 2018 she was also shortlisted for the BBC National Short Story Award Mark Hix MBE ------------
Known for his quirky
chicken-and-steak restaurant Tramshed in Shoreditch chef Mark Hix has
six top-ranked restaurants in England and and has
authored numerous cookbooks He was also appointed an MBE for his services in the British hospitality industry in in 2016 Tobias Friedrich ------------
Self-trained underwater
Tobias Friedrich has
come first place in 31 competitions over 10 years including Underwater Photographer of the Year 2018 His images have appeared in scuba diving magazines as as well as as The Times and Die Welt 2 RAFFLES MAGAZINE © Michael Avedon

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