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 AUGUST 21, 2020 | The Indian Eye gopio-ct oRganiZes independence day
celeBRation at ViRtual eVent
| NORTH AmERIcAN Newsline |
Dignitaries and GOPIO-CT officials, from l. to r. Stamford David Martin, CT Assemblyman Harry Arora, GOPIO Chairman Dr. Thomas Abraham and GOPIO-CT President Ashok Nichani
he deadly pandemic, COVID-19 that has been instrumental in the can-
cellation of almost all major pro- grams and activities around the world, could not lockdown the creative minds of the leadership of GOPIO-CT. Taking the lock- down and the social isolation as a challenge, the organizing com- mittee of GOIO-CT put togeth- er a grand celebration of India’s 74th India’s Independence Day Celebrations, connecting the peo- ple of Indian origin, community leaders and elected officials virtu- ally, honoring and celebrating the freedom and democratic values of India and the United States, on Friday, August 14th evening.
In his keynote address, Stam- ford Mayor David Martin, greet- ed India and the People of Indian Origin on the occasion of India’s 74th Independence Day. He praised the great contributions of GOPIO and the Indian Ameri- can community. “Global Organi- zation of People of Indian Origin (GOPIO) is one organizations which not only helps its Diaspo- ra community but all other com- munities,” said Stamford Mayor David Martin and you have been very gracious and have support- ed the people and served them generously. Your services and sacrifices have saved several lives
Chief Guest India’s Consul General Randhir Kumar Jaiswal Speaking
Our Bureau
Organizers, Speakers and Singers at the GOPIO-CT Independence Day Celebration,
From l. to r. Program Chair and MC Bhavna Juneja, Singer Sonali Gannu, Young Motivational Speaker Anjo Therattil, Youth Program Coordinator Dr. Beena Ramachandran and Singer Srinivas Gunupuru
in this time of pandemic,” he told the fast-growing Indian Ameri- can community in Stamford and across the state of Connecticut.
Consul General of India in New York Randhir Kumar Jaiswal was introduced by Dr. Thomas Abraham. In his re- marks, “Today is a very special day for all of us. Not only it is the 74th India Day, but also, it is the celebration of India-US Friend- ship,” he told the participants, via Zoom from New York City.
“We have seen a fascinating transformation that has taken place in India – U.S. relations in the last several decades with deepening of our relationship based on our shared values of de- mocracy, universal human rights, tolerance and pluralism, equal opportunities for all citizens and rule of law, and our bilateral re- lations have now developed into a Global Strategic Partnership, You make India feel so proud of the values you hold in life and the many achievements and the contributions.” He congratulat- ed the awardees and GOPIO for its services to the larger society.
Assemblyman Harry Arora, representing Greenwich, facil- itated GOPIO and the Indian
Americans on this special day of celebrating freedom. “India has been on a steady path of prog- ress. While our adopted land is the oldest and most powerful democracy in the world, India has the distinction of being the largest democracy with diversi- ties like religion, caste, creed, re- gion and language and this day is celebrated by every Indian in all parts of the world. We live in dif- ficult times, many lost their lives, impacting their wellbeing and overall economy. In spite of all the challenges, we need to be to- gether to celebrate and to cher- ish this moment,” Arora said.
Rev. Sudhir D’Souza, the pastor at St. Philip Church, Nor- walk, Connecticut was awarded the Independence Day Freedom Award 2020 for Service to GO- PIO-CT and Community Causes.
Dr. Thomas Abraham, Chairman of GOPIO Interna- tional gave a brief description of how India has gown over the past seven decades and called upon the community to dedicate ourselves to freedom, justice and equality. “India made progress under a democratic rule in all the seven decades and now mov- ing forward to become the third
Largest economy in the world in this decade. As we celebrate 73rd anniversary of India’s In- dependence, let us rededicate ourselves to the cause democ- racy, freedom, justice and peace not only in India but all over the world. Let us also hope and pray that a vaccine will be available soon for the whole humanity against Coronavirus,” Dr. Abra- ham, a veteran Indian-American leader said.
In his welcome address, Ashok Nichani , President of GOPIO-CT, while welcoming the participants and leaders to the virtual event. Acknowledg- ing the support and contribu- tions of the Indian American community, he enumerated the numerous initiatives of GO- PIO-CT responding to the pan- demic and benefitting the local community with particular fo- cus on the needs of the Indian American community.
Bhavna Juneja, GOPIO-CT Chair of Board of Trustee and Program Chair, elegantly em- ceed the hour long event, coor- dinating the speakers and par- ticipants seamlessly, celebrating India and the achievements of the Indian American community.
w w w. T h e I n d i a n E Y E . u s

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