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 | NORTH AmERIcAN Newsline |
AUGUST 21, 2020 | The Indian Eye
“part of the growth and prog- ress of India,: he acknowledged the sacrifices of Indian Origin physicians, Modi said, “I want to express my sincere gratitude for being the warriors who are committed to save the lives of so many during the pandemic. Stay safe and continue to work hard and contribute to the humanity and make India shine.”
Ambassador Taranjit Singh Sandhu greeted AAPI and FAPI members as “we are commem- orating the 74th year of India’s Independence.” Pointing to how the pandemic has changed our lives, he said, “Covid has taken a toll on human lives. I congratulate AAPI and FAPI for organizing this special Med- ical Symposium.”
Calling the Indian American Physicians as the “real heroes” Ambassador Sandhu said “You are the real heroes who have risked your lives and have been out to assist others. “What is unique about AAPI is that you
bring a global perspective to defeat the virus and serve the people. We are proud of the achievements of the 4 million Indians in the United States.” There is a widespread recog- nition of their contributions in the US, he added. “Indian American Physicians members have greatly contributed risk- ing their own lives.” Express- ing his deepest condolences to AAPI and the families of those Physicians, who had lost their lives, the Indian Envoy thanked AAPI for “your support to the Indian Embassy helping Indian students and others stranded here due to the pandemic. Your online Health Desk has helped many Indians in the US affected by the pandemic.”
Dr. Amit Chakrabarty, Sec- retary of AAPI introduced Am- bassador Taranjit Singh Sandhu as “one of the most experienced Indian diplomats on US affairs, having served in the Indian Mis- sion in Washington DC in vari-
ous capacities and at the Perma- nent Mission of India to United Nations, New York.”
“We’ve got to get those num- bers down,” stressed Dr. An- thony Fauci, director of the Na- tional Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID). “If we don’t get them down, we’re going to have a really bad situ- ation in the fall ... as you get in- doors and you get the complica- tions of influenza season.” Dr. Fauxi in his address on Covid -9 and Research to combat the pandemic, provided a brief his- torical overview of the different viruses, their origin the recent past, including Covid that orig- inated in China.
Dr. Sudhakar Jonnalagadda, President of AAPI, said, “This year India celebrates its 74th In- dependence Day remembering the sacrifices made by the free- dom fighters, political leaders and citizens in order to free the motherland from colonial rule. This year, COVID-19 has elim-
inated the ability for spectators and celebrations. The virtual world allows celebrations to proceed in a different manner, but this is also an opportunity to be re-inspired by the legacy of the Father of Nation. After all, isn’t service of mankind the best way to celebrate India’s In- dependence?”
Dr. Rakesh K. Sharma, President, Florida Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (FAPI) welcomed the partici- pants and speakers at the event. He seamlessly coordinated the day long event with speakers and singers from around the world. “The day long Medical Sympo- sium was packed with 8.5 hours of CMEs, with the objectives of educating the physicians on the current standards, laws & rules on prescribing controlled substanc- es; Identify multiple strategies for preventing medical errors; and, Describe the best strate- gies for managing COVID-19 patients.” Dr. Sharma said.
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