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 AUGUST 21, 2020 | The Indian Eye leading experts from across the globe discuss india’s
development in a non-stop 24-hour event
Convened by The/Nudge Foundation, the event included Nobel Laureate Dr. Abhijit Banerjee, Dr. Soumya Swaminathan, Dr. K Kasturirangan and Vikas Khanna
| NORTH AmERIcAN Newsline |
Mr Taranjit Singh Sandhu delivering the Opening Address of Forum
Our Bureau
ON e w Y o r k
n August 15, 2020, In- dia’s 74th Indepen- dence Day, The/Nudge
Foundation in partnership with The Rockefeller Foundation
Mary Millben, American singer and actress, delivering her moving rendition of the Indian National Anthem
M R Rangaswami, Investor, Enterpreneur, Philanthropist, Board Member The/Nudge, hosting the opening of Forum
Mr Amit K Mishra speaking at the closing of the Forum
true potential of collaboration surfaced in the immediate af- termath of the pandemic, which reflected in conversations at our first convening in May called Charcha 2020. We envision The/ Nudge Forum to be a platform that brings together all stake- holders in India’s development, and catalyses’ collective action towards inclusive and sustainable
and the Skoll Foundation orga-
nized The/Nudge Forum (global
edition) from 00:00 hours - 23:59
hours via Zoom webinar. This noted: “The Rockefeller Foun- first of its kind, non-stop 24-hour dation is committed to do ev-
virtual assembly brought togeth- er leading experts and thinkers from across the world to discuss a broad range of issues impact- ing India’s development journey.
erything we can, particularly to bring people together — across science and industry, policymak- ers, private sector and civil soci- ety leaders — to make a differ- ence in the lives of vulnerable
Gips, CEO, the Skoll Founda- tion.
allies worldwide with the global edition on August 15,” said Atul Satija, Founder & CEO, The/ Nudge Foundation.
The keynote speaker at the
opening of the event was the people in Asia and around the
In an indication that the Forum was aiming to create a global dialogue on the issue, the
Indian ambassador to the US, Taranjit Singh Sandhu, who elo- quently summarized the impor-
We’re living through a pan-
healthcare system and how to
build resilience especially given
the learnings from the pandem-
ic, equipping India’s educational
infrastructure for the modern
world, role of NGO’s, change described how commerce, cul-
demic of devastating speed, scale, tance of India-US relations and and severity. Meeting this mo-
Paulo, Amit Kumar Mishra, was invited at the keynote speaker at the closing on the historic event. Giving an overview of Brazil-In- dia relations, the Indian envoy
the role of Indian community for India’s development.
During the 24-hour webinar, the speakers included Nobel Laureate Dr. Abhijit Baner- jee, Dr. Soumya Swaminathan (Chief Scientist, WHO), Dr. Kas- turirangan (former Chairman, Indian Space Research Organi- zation), philanthropists Vinod Khosla, Desh Deshpande, Amit Chandra and Rajashree Birla, economists Dr. Arvind Panagari- ya and Hernando de Soto, Ree- ma Nanavaty (SEWA), Madhav
ment will take all of us working together to overcome the crisis and we are thrilled to share that vision with our partners at The/ Nudge Foundation.”
makers and nonprofit organiza- tions.
ture and community were driv- ing India’s engagement with the biggest South American country and economy.
Chavan (Pratham), Vani Kola are delighted to partner with
(Kalaari Capital), Dr. Indu Bhu- shan (CEO, Ayushman Bharat), Preeti Sudan (Outgoing Health Secretary of India), heads of do- mestic and international founda- tions and more than 40 leaders from across the world.
The/Nudge Forum on conven-
ings that will accelerate impact
in the Indian development eco-
system and beyond. By bringing
together different—and some-
times unexpected—stakehold-
ers across government, civil soci-
ety, and the private sector, The/
Nudge Forum will break down
barriers and chart a course for-
ward on some of humanity’s development. We are very excit- greatest challenges,” said Don ed to engage the diaspora and
Speaking about the inititia- tive, Dr. Rajiv J. Shah, President, The Rockefeller Foundation
The conversations and ple-
nary sessions covered topics
from India’s ongoing fight to
end poverty, role of industry and
foundational systems for inclu-
sive development, the state of Indian Consul General in Sao
This platform provided a
unique opportunity for experts
to identify, cross-learn, and build
a network that demonstrates a of poverty has been due to the the Grammy award winner
vision of how the world can co- operate.
“At the Skoll Foundation, we believe in the power of conven- ings to connect change leaders and catalyze greater impact. We
combined efforts of civil society,
government and markets. How-
ever, each pillar has historically
worked in isolation, and often USA joined the event as media lacked appreciation for the con- partners of The/Nudge Forum tributions of the other two. The (global edition).
w w w. T h e I n d i a n E Y E . u s
“India’s rapid economic growth, and success in lifting out nearly 270 million citizens out
At the closing of the event,
Ricky Kej hosted a Live concert. The Indian EYE newsweekly and Radio Zindagi Network in

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