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Feb. 23-25, 2020
AT&T Conference Center Austin, Texas
Registration and Sponsorship Opportunities
are now open for the 2020 ERA Conference.
Visit for details.
ERA extends its deepest thanks to these dedicated volunteers who are serving on the 2020
Conference Committee and Sub-Committees.
Mike Swenson, CPMR, Mel Foster Company, Conference Committee Chair Craig Anderson, CPMR, Sumer Inc., Conference Vice Chair
Joe Braun, CPMR, EK Micro
Steve Cholas, Big Zeta
Mark Conley, O’Donnell Associates North Inc. Kingsland Coombs, CPMR, CSP, Control Sales Inc. Tom Griffin, CPMR, Catalyst Sales Inc.
Amy Hain, RFMW Ltd.
Gordon Hunter, Chairman of the Board, Littelfuse Corporation John Hutson, CPMR, The MacInnis Group
Michael Knight, TTI Inc.
Todd McAtee, Mouser Electronics
Holly Myers, CPMR, Genie Group
John O’Brien, CPMR, Coakley, Boyd and Abbett Inc. Greg Pace, Ohmite Manufacturing
Breakout Seminars Sub-Committee
Kingsland Coombs, CPMR, CSP, Control Sales Inc. – Co-Chair Amy Hain, RFMW Ltd. – Co-Chair
Lori Bruno, Luscombe Engineering of San Francisco
Julie Carr, The MacInnis Group
Kurt Devlin, Ohmite Manufacturing Co. Cesare Giammarco, ERA Consultant John Hutson, CPMR, The MacInnis Group Dawn Lowery, CSP, Sumer Inc.
Mallerie Merchant, RC Merchant & Co. Inc. Holly Myers, CPMR, Genie Group
John Simari, ERA Consultant, Simari Consulting Bryan Teen, CPMR, Tech Marketing
Sponsorship Sub-Committee
John O’Brien, CPMR, Coakley, Boyd and Abbett Inc. – Co-Chair Greg Pace, Ohmite Manufacturing – Co-Chair
Alan Ahern, Crowley Associates
Ken Bellero, Schaffner EMC Inc.
Jani Duffy, American Bright
Jim Moore, Fralia Co. and Associates
Tim Resker, COTO Technology Inc.
Mark Robinson, Finisar Corporation
Gary Smith, CPMR, G.L. Smith Associates Inc. Rick Vairo, CPMR, Aurora Group
Greg Warren, Brandel-Stephens & Co.
General Session Sub-Committee
Mark Conley, O’Donnell Associates North Inc. – Co-Chair Todd McAtee, Mouser Electronics – Co-Chair
David Cox, Electro-Rep Associates
William Dull, Triad Magnetics
Jennifer Eby, MaRC Technologies
Bob Gau, PUI
Jake Harris, Arrow Electronics
Gordon Hunter, Chairman of the Board, Littelfuse Corporation Jeff May, Logix Sales & Marketing
Bryan White, CPMR, Catalyst Sales Inc. Tom Wichert, TDK-Lambda Americas Inc.
Keynote Sub-Committee
Joe Braun, CPMR, EK Micro – Co-Chair Michael Knight, TTI Inc. – Co-Chair
Holly Good, Cornell Dubilier Electronics Inc. Phil Meiss, Victory Sales
Maryellen Stack, Sager Electronics Terri Straube, Straube Associates
Conference Advisors
Steve Cholas, Big Zeta
Gordon Hunter, Chairman of the Board, Littelfuse Corporation
John Hutson, CPMR, The MacInnis Group, 2019 ERA Conference Chair Holly Myers, CPMR, Genie Group, 2017 ERA Conference Chair
XCOM Liaison
Tom Griffin, CPMR, Catalyst Sales Inc.
14 Summer 2019 | The Representor