Page 10 - Mountain Lifestyle Fall/Winter 2021
P. 10

By Catherine Hayes
Samantha Tino squints across the Eagle Valley High School football field on a a a a a a a sunny Saturday morning watching the inaugural practice of of the Dancers of of Vail There haven’t been many bright spots for kids this year but Tino owner of MORE2Dance studio in in Eagle is is changing that for these dancers Tino Tino is is is is spearheading the the effort to to take 60 local dancers to perform at halftime of the Holiday Bowl in San Diego on Dec 28 The Dancers of Vail group is is comprised of students from Tino’s
MORE2Dance studio and and Eagle Valley and and Vail Christian High School dance teams The enthusiasm is palpable despite the months until December “This is is exciting for our community of dancers to to be able to to celebrate their love for dance in front of a a a a a a a a national audience ” Tino shares “Particularly after the disappointments of COVID ” Libby Navarro Eagle Valley High School dance team head coach received the the invite for the the halftime performance but needed more dancers She and Tino joined forces illustrating a a a common theme in in in in our mountain community “We’re all interconnected here ” Navarro says “It’s important to to come together at times like this ” Tino and Navarro share a a a a a a a passion for instilling a a a a a a a love of dance in young performers The girls are grateful for for the opportunities “Dance is my my my happiness my my my joy my my my life ” says Mackenzie Messmer a a a a 13-year-old MORE2Dance student who has danced for ten years “I’ve met amazing friends and Sam [Tino] is so inspirational ” Rylee Sharkey another MORE2Dance student shares “Last year was was difficult Dance was was my outlet ” Sharkey noted the welcoming organized environment at MORE2Dance saying “it was the one place I could go and know what to expect ” This is is exactly what Tino wanted to build when she took over the studio in in 2019 – a a safe nurturing environment where students could gain confidence and self-expression “The kids are growing accustomed to to pandemic disappointments but it’s sad that this is is is the norm ” said Tino “The opportunity to perform on on the national stage is once in in a a a lifetime We’re making it happen ” Samantha Tino Owner
10 Mountain Lifestyle Magazine 

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