Page 20 - Multigenerational Workforce
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               2017 Thought Leaders Solutions Forum
  9. Be with my people. People are motivated when they are connected with a tribe of like-minded people. Peloton brings this to life.
10. Mobile. Peloton now has a mobile app that allows people to ride their bike outdoors, track their results, and have the same Peloton experience.
All of these elements are directly applicable to factors that engage corporate learners: making learning convenient and easily accessible in portions of differing lengths; providing access to motivating experts; having variety and challenge; providing frequent feedback; and making the experience social.
The elements of mobile, social, and variety resonate strongly with Millennials. In addition, so do the elements of purpose and challenge. They want development activities that chal- lenge them and provide satisfaction when achieved.
For the corporate learning function, accessibility and design thinking are keys.
In addition to understanding what learners want, it is also necessary to understand realities related to learning. Two critical realities are:
• Learning is messy: It is not a linear, structured event. It is a disorderly, messy process. And, the more difficult the learning and the transformation, the messier the process will be.
• Learning receives little time. Researchers from Deloitte Consulting found that in the typical workweek, employees devote 1% of their time to training and development, which is only 24 minutes per week. Training and development receives so little time because people are overwhelmed, distracted, and impatient.
“The reality of learning today is that it’s 24 minutes per week.”
—Karie Willyerd
Corporate learning needs to respond by developing learning that fits within these realities. This means developing learning experiences in small, engaging, easily digestible pieces,
and using design thinking. Design or agile thinking involves ideation, mockups, testing, and constant improvement. It is operating in permanent beta mode.
By developing learning using a design thinking process, organizations can incorporate all 10 of the elements demon- strated by Peloton that get at what users want.
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