Page 12 - Possible Magazine Issue 8 EMAG
P. 12

NDIS planning cycle
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a way of providing support for people living with disability.
It’s a whole-of-life approach tailored to each persons needs and goals. Just Better Care has extensive
1. Pre-planning or plan review
experience in disability support, and can assist you to get the best out of the NDIS. You can contact us any time with questions.
Our skilled staff are on hand to guide you through the process.
  Who, when, where and how? Working towards my goals.
4. Turning your plan into action
Which service providers do
I want to choose?
What goals do I want to achieve?
2. Developing your plan
What services do
I need to reach my goals?
    3. Starting your plan
  Our Services
Coordination of supports
Assistance with daily activities
Travel and support
Community participation
Assistance in shared living
Community nursing care
Capacity building
Household task support
Plan management
Daily life skill development
Just Better Care has developed industry-leading guides to disability support services that will aid in steering you in the right direction.
Visit or request a visit from a Support Advisor, who can help you explore your options. Speak to your local team today. Call 1300 587 823
 New possibilities, new choices.
A guide to the NDIS
A guide to the NDIS 1
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Services offered are determined by the individual Just Better Care franchise.

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