Page 7 - Possible Magazine Issue 8 EMAG
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Michael’s illustrious publishing career can continue thanks to technology that helps him to write and, more importantly, to express himself.
Discovering a passion for military history and writing as
a young man, Michael Tracey managed to turn his love of language into a 28-year writing
career, editing the Defence Force Journal and authoring an impressive 20 books on military history.
He has written books on World War One, World War Two and various conflict periods, which together, amount to a detailed history of military activity around the world.
Europe, Asia, the USA and
Africa: Michael’s life has been
spent travelling to exotic locations and meeting with war veterans, to produce historically researched accounts of conflict. On the way
he has experienced many different cultures, learning their histories, bringing richness and accuracy to the historical accounts for which he has become admired.
In 1993, Michael became part of Australian history while writing it.
To mark the 75th anniversary
of the end of the First World War,
the body of an unknown Australian soldier was recovered from Adelaide Cemetery near Villers-Bretonneux
in France and transported to Australia. Michael was a member
of the team that brought the soldier back to Australia for burial. Assigned to record the account of the historic journey, he travelled alongside
the soldier’s remains in the aircraft to his final resting place at the Australian War Memorial in Canberra.
Michael’s wife, Dawn, says even today, her husband’s thirst for knowledge knows no boundaries.
“He’s been to all corners of the Earth,” she said. “But he’s very humble and doesn’t like to boast about his adventures.”
A few years after Michael retired, a battle with throat cancer made day-to-day life much harder. While undergoing chemotherapy and radiation treatment, he and his wife became reliant on the support of neighbours to help an exhausted Michael perform everyday tasks –
like walking up and down the stairs. A laryngectomy and, later, a skin
cancer diagnosis means that Michael lives with constant nerve pain, limiting his movement and his energy levels.
To alleviate the pressure, Michael and Dawn chose Just Better Care
to provide support. Michael is now assisted when travelling to hospital appointments and also in the home.
“Michael’s journey has been amazing to watch,” says Susanne Jones, owner of Just Better Care Brisbane North and CBD. “He’s amazing.”
Speaking with Dawn and Michael the first day they met, Susanne and Michael struck-up a conversation about his career as an author. When she asked if he had plans to get back into writing, he initially shrugged off the suggestion.
“I just didn’t know how that could be possible,” he said.
When Susanne explained that there were assistive tools to help, his face lit up.
She referred Michael to LifeTec,
a Brisbane-based organisation that assessed Michael’s situation and sent an occupational therapist to visit him at home. They then selected the most appropriate software and technology to help him type and use a computer with voice control.
“To me, technology means communication and self-expression,” Michael explains. “The possibility of returning to writing is something I am
very, very grateful for.”
Being able to apply the skills he
has acquired over a lifetime signals an exciting new chapter for both Michael and Dawn.
“We’ve had some dark days. It’s been painful seeing someone with so many stories to tell, be unable to tell them,” Dawn says. “Michael has always been a storyteller. The fact that he’ll be able to do that again means so much to both of us.”
And as for the future? Michael says he’s just excited to express himself through the medium he knows best.
“I know that there will be
issues that arise and challenges to overcome, but I am looking forward to meeting and conquering each and every one of them,” he says.
“Each day I feel stronger. I can only say that I am excited by the thought I may soon return to a career to which I have devoted my life.”
With the right support, Michael is writing a new chapter in his own life story: one we will all want to read.
Just Better Care can provide support through personal care, respite and social and lifestyle support for older Australians and people living with disability. Want to find out more? Visit today.

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