Page 5 - Just Better Care Possible Magazine - Issue 2
P. 5

Philippa spends her days providing care and support to the residents at the local aged care facility where she works. Making the residents’ lives a little easier and putting a smile on their faces is a highlight for Philippa. A longstanding and valued employee, Philippa
has worked at the facility
for 12 years.
When she’s not hard at work, Philippa is practicing her backstroke, attending her social group hangout on Wednesdays, and playing netball at the weekend. She organises some of these activities herself, while others she receives assistance
to set up with funding through the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).
Philippa transitioned to the NDIS last year for the
services that she used to receive through Family and Community Services. Her mother Lyn said when preparing for the transition, the NDIS planner took note of everything Philippa does in her day-to-day routine.
This included how Philippa used public transport, what her family did to help
her, plus every service and activity she was involved in and enjoyed. Working together with the planner, Philippa could pinpoint where she felt independent enough to complete tasks on
her own, and those that she wanted some assistance with.
Lyn said through the NDIS, they could more clearly identify which services Philippa needed, how often, and how they would assist her to work towards her goals.
“Philippa would love to live more independently, and possibly even live away from home one day. The NDIS provides our family with a long-term plan to work towards.”
“The rollout of the NDIS has certainly opened up new
possibilities for Philippa,” Lyn said. “Philippa has more control
over the support she receives, and can choose to reallocate her funding to areas where she needs more assistance.
“Her involvement in the planning has given her more
confidence to make decisions about her life and what she would like to achieve in the future.
“Philippa would love to live more independently, and possibly even live away from home one day. The NDIS provides our family with a long-term plan to work towards.”
Lyn is also the owner of Just Better Care Ryde Parramatta & Bankstown and said the rollout of the NDIS in her region had
led to positive outcomes for her customers.
“When a customer first approaches us, the first thing we
ask is ‘What goals do you want to achieve?’
“It is important that they understand the full range of care and support options available. From plan management, support coordination and support around the home, to assistance with travel and transport arrangements and help to participate in education and training, the options are many and varied," Lyn said.
“We can support customers through the transition to the NDIS using our four-step process, and talk through the options to create a support plan that suits the individual’s lifestyle.”
The NDIS continues to be rolled out in communities across Australia. Want to know when the NDIS is rolling out in your area? Visit for more information.
You can also check your eligibility with the NDIS Access Checklist.

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