Page 51 - The Ultimate Guidebook for Teens with Food Allergies
P. 51
Emily Rose - I bring a lot of packaged food. Packaged snacks are always good. Instant noodles can also come in handy.
Giulia - I always bring safe protein bars wherever I go. If you can’t eat something, and you’re hungry, a protein bar will give you the efficient nutrition needed to keep going!
Stephanie - I carry allergen-free granola bars, sandwiches, bagels, cheese, homemade cookies, dried fruit, and fresh fruit! Some of this will last for longer into my trip. But other foods need to be eaten sooner. It is important to be prepared with extra food in case your flight is delayed.
At what age did you first travel without your parents?
Daniela – I went to Mexico at age 12 without my parents.
Emily Rose - I’m looking forward to this someday!
Giulia - I’m turning 21 this year and hope to go on my first trip overseas without my parents! Stephanie - I went on my first flight alone at the age of 19.
To wrap it up...
From reading this book so far, you may have gathered that allergies shouldn’t stop you from doing anything as long as you take the proper precautions. Plan ahead and be vigilant. Yes, this includes when you are travelling!
Doing your research ahead of time, informing others about your allergies, and bringing enough epinephrine are all essential to having a safe journey. Calling airlines ahead of time may be something you choose to do, especially for longer flights, to ensure that you stay safe while in the air.
It is also important to realize that, if there is a place that you really want to visit, your allergies shouldn’t hold you back. If there is a language barrier, it will be more difficult. But, by bringing translation cards and learning a few phrases in the language, you will be able to communicate your allergies. If you are travelling to a place where your allergen(s) are a staple in the local cuisine, it will be important to find simple foods that you know are safe. And it may be useful to bring some of your own food. If you do your research, get creative, and stay determined, you will find a way to make it work!
Summary Tips
1) Plan ahead and look into local cuisine, emergency numbers, and travel insurance.
2) Bring extra auto-injectors and safe snack food with you, especially for a plane. Remember that not all