Page 63 - The Ultimate Guidebook for Teens with Food Allergies
P. 63
Quick Tip - Informing co-workers will help ensure that you have a support network at the workplace and that others will know what’s happening if you ever have an allergic reaction.
What would you say? (Q&A)
Caitlyn F. (Caiti), Erika, Sydney H.
Who do you explain your allergies to?
Caiti - I make an effort to tell everyone I can at my work place about my allergies. I also make sure that I
train at least one person, whom I will be working with at all times, how to use my auto-injector.
Erika - In each place I have worked, I always tell my manager or supervisor about my allergies either when I am hired or on my first day of work. When I discuss my allergies, and the severity of them, I ask them what they believe would be the most appropriate way to inform my colleagues.
Sydney H. - I tell all my managers and supervisors about my allergies. I also make a point to tell my co- workers the first time I work with them. It’s actually a good conversation starter and managers are always happy to know that you are responsible and honest.
Do you explain that you have allergies before you are hired?
Caiti - I do make employers aware of my allergies. But I make sure I explain that it will not affect my
performance at my job.
Erika - When I’ve believed it might be hard to keep my own environment safe, like in grocery stores that sell nuts in bulk, I have mentioned my allergies during interviews—before I am hired. There have been some jobs where I have not mentioned my allergies in the interview process. I thought my allergies might play a role in their decision to hire me. And, looking back, I wish I had told them.
Sydney H. - During a job interview, when the interviewer asks if I have any questions, I find that this is a good time to bring up my allergies and see what safety precautions will be taken. I have also asked whether any staff members are trained to give an auto-injector.
Are there any places you would not want to work because of your allergies?
Caiti - I would not feel comfortable working in the food industry (serving at a restaurant for example). Erika - I would not want to work in a restaurant with foods that commonly have my allergens.