Page 66 - The Ultimate Guidebook for Teens with Food Allergies
P. 66
Chapter 11
Heading off to college or university presents a wide array of new challenges. You will probably have questions like: “Should I have a roommate?”, “Can I get a meal plan?”, “Who should I talk to before I move in to residence?”, and many others. Living in residence, meeting a whole bunch of people, eating in a cafeteria, living with friends, and cooking in a shared kitchen are some of the new situations that you will probably face.
In general, it is good to do a bit of research to find out what your school will offer in terms of living and eating accommodations. The situation varies between schools. But, generally, schools have many ways to help you out. And they may have set policies in place. By researching and preparing ahead of time, many teens and young adults have found the transition to college or university relatively seamless in terms of allergy management.