Page 70 - The Ultimate Guidebook for Teens with Food Allergies
P. 70
Karen - Yes and no. My school was influenced by my choice of program (which happens to be food- related). My allergies were a subsequent reason I chose my university. My school’s hospitality services are great at catering to anybody’s dietary restrictions, including allergies. You can literally pickup the phone, call hospitality services, and they’ll make a meal specifically for you if need be. I was lucky enough that my school did not cook with my allergens except in pre-packaged baked goods. These are easy to stay away from.
Lindsay – My choice of school was not really influenced by my allergies. Choosing a school where I felt that I fit in and one that, obviously, had the program I wanted, were my main priorities. I did not want my allergies to have a major impact on such an important part of my education. With that said, when I went to tour all of my options of schools, I did make an effort to look into what it would be like with my food allergies and talked to the people in charge of food on campus.
Talia - I chose my school based on their great program. But I’m also lucky to be in a health-science program where everyone knows about allergies.
How do you manage your allergies when living with friends/roommates?
Karen - I currently have two roommates who are great with the fact that I have allergies. My one roommate absolutely loves peanut butter. But, when we’re away for school, she refrains from eating it at all because she knows that I’m allergic to it. I never asked her to do so. But she says it makes her feel better knowing that, by staying away from it, she’s keeping me safe too.
Lindsay - I have now lived off campus for three years with roommates. I’ve never had an issue with my allergies. All of my roommates knew going into our house that they would not be able to have any of my allergens. They were all very understanding and totally okay with it. It is rare that we even have an item in our house that says “may contain.” I am very fortunate to have such good roommates who really look out for me when it comes to my allergies.
Talia - My first roommate was a medical school student. So I was lucky that she understood how serious allergies could be. I mostly took the responsibility on myself to stay away from anything I was allergic to.
Do you have any specific “rules” for roommates?
Karen – No. But I think I am just lucky that my two roommates are supportive and understanding. I introduced soy butter to my roommate who loves peanut butter. Although it’s not the same, it’s a great alternative that is similar enough to peanut butter. It is also safe to have in the house.
Lindsay – The only request I made of my roommates was to not have any items in the house that contain my allergens. They are free to eat them outside of the house. But I have asked them to ensure

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