Page 6 - Dwight School Dubai - 2019-20 | Yearbook
P. 6
Message from the Head of School
Dear Dwight Students,
Together we have made it to the end of the second academic year of Dwight’s existence in the UAE. What a year it has been, certainly unlike any other in so many ways! Not only are you part of pioneering Dwight School history as we continue to grow our footprint in Dubai, but you are all literally living through history - we all are. In school, we study history, change and development, but many students might find it hard to contextualize what effect history plays. With COVID-19, a global pandemic that affects us all, conceptualizing this learning has taken a whole new and tangible form. Never in our lives have we ever seen so much change in so short a time.
For seventeen weeks, we have been apart, as COVID-19 has forced us to self-isolate and find ways to virtually stay connected with each other. Despite not being in the school building together, we have proven that we can co-create meaningful exchanges through distance learning. When we come out of this, some things will have changed forever. I hope that you will join me in imagining the possibilities these changes offer.
As an IB World School, we uphold the IB Learner Profile, emphasizing the importance of helping all of you to become open-minded, knowledgeable, caring, and principled individuals. When the world around us needs our voice and active participation, we also ask you to be upstanders, not bystanders. As reflective thinkers and communicators, I encourage you to always seek out ways to be better advocates and friends.
I encourage you to embrace our IB characteristics now, more than ever. And I, for one, along with all my Dwight colleagues are committed to being role models who aspire to make a difference in your life.
Individually and collectively we should always work toward a future each and every one of us can be proud of and a school that lives up to the IB mission, and in this, your voice is absolutely necessary.
Each one of us makes some kind of impact every single day, and we are all #InThisTogether! With warm regards,
Janecke Aarnaes | Founding Head of School