Page 11 - High Knob Master Plan
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HKRI Action Teams
Steering committee members are assigned to action teams. Each action team is responsible for specific tasks related to the master planning process. The action teams are accountable for implementing the master plan after the completion of the planning process.
Assets Team:
Identifies public and private regional assets and determines asset gaps. Compiles and maintains a digital catalogue with asset descriptions and locations on a continuous basis.
Community Participation, Branding & Marketing Team:
Develops a plan to involve all major communities and stakeholders in the planning process, while tracking support for the HKRI. Conducts an online and intercept survey to better gauge regional outdoor recreation needs. Implements regional branding and marketing plan. Identifies unique attributes and economic needs of participating communities to generate targeted activities and marketing opportunities specific to the region’s strength.
Mapping & Wayfinding Team: Assists with the creation of and manages a shared mapping tool that all communities in the region can use to create customizable maps. Works with consultant team to map wayfinding signage systems. Develops a visitor map to be used by communities.
Capital Improvements Team: Assesses and prioritizes the most impactful and practical capital improvements for the region that enhance existing and emerging assets. Creates a list of projects to be developed over the long term to make the region more prominent and attractive to visitors.
Incentives Team: Assists in advising a set of implementation tools, especially as they relate to incentives and land use.
Idea Generation Forum Stormboard launched
HKRI Branding Workshop
HKRI Capital Improvements Workshop
HKRI Final Plan unveiled
September 2018
June 2019
April 2018
January 2019
Branding Workshop
Capital Improvements Workshop
April 9-11, 2018: Arnett Muldrow & Associates hold a three-day Branding Workshop to develop a new brand identity to market the High Knob Region. The project team gathers initial input from themed focus groups over the course of two days before presenting the branding recommendations at the final presentation.
A live forum is held in Big Stone Gap during the Branding Workshop, where additional ideas are added to Stormboard. This input helps the consultant team identify and prioritize proposed capital improvement projects.
April 12-13, 2018: Hill Studio and Thompson & Litton host a two- day Capital Improvements workshop to sketch several initiatives considered by the Capital Improvements action team. The workshop moves between multiple locations in the region. Products of the workshop include site plans, perspective sketches, and general cost estimates.
HKRI Signature Projects unveiled
HKRI Action Teams Begin Implementation