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                              The Official Publication of the Texas Auctioneers Association, Inc.                        1st Quarter • 2017




                                                              & Championship

                                                                                  MAY 7-9, 2017

                                                                                  FRISCO, TX

              See the Annual Convention Insertion For More Details!

                            Complete Convention Schedule & Registration Forms
                              can be found online at

       INSIGHTS....FROM THE 2016 STATE CHAMPION                                                  2016 STATE CHAMP
                                                                                                  By: Jarod Hamm

       One of the highlights of the champion is to conduct an  contest!  I  hope  that  every
       auction for the kids at the Texas Scottish Rite Hospital.  auctioneer will consider competing
       I’ve always loved being around kids and these kids love to  in  the  contest  and  be  there
       see the TAA come in for the annual holiday event. Getting  to  support  their  peers.  Being
       to see these children laugh, smile and have a good time  named champion is an amazing
       with something we are fortunate enough to see on a daily  accomplishment. I know several
       basis was a blessing to me. I can promise you that you  of  you  are  already  making
       will truly be blessed by attending this event!  I encourage  plans for the contest and that
       anyone that is willing and able to attend in the future.   is great, but please encourage
                                                                others  to  do  so  as  well  so  that  we  can  make  this
       Well, another year has came and gone, and before we  the    greatest  contest  and  convention  yet!!  ALL
       know it it will be time for our 60th anniversary convention  2017  FINALISTS  WILL  RECEIVE  CUSTOM  BUCKLES.
       and contest. I cannot imagine what our association has  I’m  looking  forward  too  seeing    each  and  every  one
       faced  over  the  last  60  years,  and  with  the  continued  of  you  at  the  convention  in  May,  and  I  hope
       support  from  our  great  members  we  can  continue  to  that  each  of  you  will  invite  at  least  one  of
       support and protect our industry! I have thoroughly enjoyed  your  auctioneer  friends  that  are  not  currently
       being  your  champion  this  year  and  I  look  forward  to  involved with the TAA to this years convention. Come and
       seeing who our champions will be at the 60th anniversary  see what our association has to offer!!
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