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Another vintage design. When on a “working vacation” studying at Arizona State University, Martin designed “Nothing.” Students were directed to create an “infant support device.” Our good friend Rick invented the original Gerry Cradle Bath and got piles of royalties. Martin created nothing and almost didn’t graduate! What did he do? He invented nothing, but identifified the problem – limited “human factors” info on babies at the time. How can you design a product for an unknown creature? Biostereometrics was in its infancy. (Now we have facial recognition.) That was the problem to be solved.
That was The Big Idea.
Some people talk about Big Ideas. Alas, there is always a Big Idea within every design we touch. The Brooklyn Bridge for the MacBridge package, H2O for H2OBBS –
a fountain company, the dark/light dichotomy of the Pirates of Silicon Valley campaign. Some Big Ideas didn’t flfly though... like using gravity for the Serpentine fountain or our pitch of “teleVISION.” There’s a book here... Yeah, we’re famous for nothing!
  Martin Westley Speaking
The Secret Agency

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