Page 51 - Sustainability report 2018 Ratti Group
P. 51

 SERI.CO certification
Ratti has always been careful not to lose sight of the priorities that arise for consumers during the selection of a product, service or company, particularly with regard to the environment.
The most recent recognition obtained is SERI.CO.
This is a system of product and process certification, released by an independent body in April 2018,
and whose main purpose is to provide
the maximum guarantee in terms of production process, textile product and toxicological properties for a chemical/formulate/dye product.
SERI.CO guarantees the quality characteristics of a textile product, both in terms of technological and performance attributes and in terms of ecotoxicological properties. In addition, it guarantees that the fabric does not contain any released substances that are harmful to
the health of the user. In order to ensure the compliance of a product, it must comply with the requirements of Technical Datasheet no. 24 for raw materials purchased and external manufacturing.
The purpose of Technical Datasheet no. 24 is to safeguard health with regard to textiles and to define the ecotoxicological specifics of products, formulates and dyes. In addition, sample analyses are carried out with regard to a risk plan, and this ensures that finished products comply with the standards. In 2018 specific analyses were also carried out on MRSL parameters (Manufacturing Restricted Substances List, as laid down in the ZDHC protocol) including in wastewater.
This is valid both for production in Italy and for production in Romania (the same raw materials are used), while in Tunisia there is no wet production.
For Ratti, the art of savoir-faire represents an immense heritage of creativity and craftsmanship and, as such, must be protected and enhanced.
Only in this way can a Ratti fabric or print represent a real competitive advantage. In the economic and social context that prevails today, it is vital for Ratti to confirm that it is deeply respectful of its environmental and craftsmanship heritage, guaranteeing that its work is of the highest quality.

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