Page 85 - Sustainability report 2018 Ratti Group
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 or – if they are carried out – are of marginal importance, due to the fact that these companies only carry out workmanship on an outsourced basis for the Parent company and/or directly on behalf of the latter.
In 2018 no non-compliant behaviour was identified in respect of compliance with the principles and regulations relating to corruption.
6.5 Sustainability integrated into risk management
In 2018 the Ratti Group defined the relevant process for analysing the risks associated with the issues mentioned in Legislative Decree 254/2016.
The CEO of Ratti SpA is responsible for identifying and evaluating sustainability risks. While identifying the risks the CEO is assisted by a team consisting
of the heads of the following functions: Financial Administration and Control, Management Systems and Internal Audit.
From an analysis of the strategic risks and the risks mapped to maintain environmental certification (ISO 14001) and social accountability (SA8000), using mainly qualitative evaluation, risks were identified that have a significant potential impact on the activities of the Group or the stakeholders. The evaluation of the risks linked to aspects of the Decree was carried out for all Group companies. The Group’s assessment was that risks of this
type were not significant for Ratti USA and Ratti International Trading, given the dimension and nature of their activities.
There now follows a presentation of the main risks and the actions taken to mitigate them.
The main risks of an environmental nature
The main environmental risks were the pollution risk deriving from the management of waste and water discharges. These risks were closely linked to the production of Ratti SpA, with a lower frequency at Textrom Srl. In particular, the phases of dyeing, washing, finishing and printing are the most delicate in terms of environmental impact, not least because of the use of chemical products. In Creomoda Sarl water is used only for civil purposes and the volume of waste produced is very limited. For more details of the environmental policy and specific projects undertaken see Chapter 4 “Ratti’s environmental commitment”.
     The main risks of an environmental nature
 Description of the main risks
  Mitigation action taken
 Non-compliance with the applicable regulations concerning management of waste and discharges, with possible financial and administrative sanctions and associated reputational damage for the local community and customers due to environmental pollution.
 In Ratti SpA there is a system of environmental management, renewed in 2018, which complies with the regulation ISO 14001:2015.
In Textrom Srl there is a consultant dedicated to ensuring compliance with the relevant national regulations; in addition, in July 2018 a project was launched to improve the quality of the discharges, and separated waste collection was started.
Both in Ratti SpA and in Textrom Srl water discharges are channelled to public purification plants..
In Creomoda Sarl, even though risks are negligible, an environmental policy has nevertheless been adopted.

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