Page 70 - Ratti Group - Sustainability report
P. 70

5.5 Bringing beauty to everyone
Ratti and the Foundation supporting culture
With the objective of spreading the culture of beauty to the public at large as the primary source of Italian creativity, Ratti makes available, in cooperation with the Foundation, fabrics from its own production and archive to the increasingly numerous exhibitions organised in Italy and abroad.
From 12 April to 3 September 2017 at Reggia di Venaria (Turin), the exhibition “Jungle” of imaginary animals in fashion told the story of the “animalier”, the di erent ways in which the coats and shapes of animals have been used by fashion over the years: from the perfect imitation of a pattern to the invention of shapes and colours, up to an actual metamorphosis of human and non-human creatures reflected in the clothes.
Ratti contributed a number of unique pieces to the exhibition, some of which are stored in the Ratti archive and were created for the top fashion houses: iconic and timeless foulard inspired by animals.
Ratti also provided its fabrics for the performance of “Choreographed action” (Azioni coreo- grafici) at Palazzo Te in Mantua on 17 and 18 July 2017. During the project “The citizenship of the body” (La cittadinanza del corpo) – an investigation of body language involving citizens in choreographed actions and in places of art – the performance, created and interpreted by the Virgilio Sieni Company, included the participation of residents in the area in 16 paintings in the exhibition rooms and in the gardens, with live music. The actions aimed at including

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