Page 18 - The Holistic Healthcare Group Brochure
P. 18

   The Melp App
Melp is the perfect tool to support your employee’s mental health in a bespoke way, and on their own terms. Each user can explore the therapies, which can be sorted by problem, method or general type, and experiment until they find what works for them. By providing Melp to your employees, you are giving them the tools to help themselves, and the ability to dop in and out of sessions at any time if they need support.
 1-2-1 Therapist Support
We provide a therapist who can deliver confidential therapies to your employees, either on-site or via video call. Providing this internal access minimises the impact on your business, but ensures your employees have regular access to therapies and support for any kind of mental health struggle.
 Additional Resources
We regularly provide a range of free resources, from blog posts, reports, e-magazines, research and informational brochures, all designed to educate you and your employees about mental health issues, how to spot the signs, and what support is available to them. Our resources are easily accessible, and can be placed in proximity to all employees, either in workspaces or sent directly via newsletters.
  Well-being Classes
Well-being can be a fantastic way to relieve work-related stress and improve general mental and physical health. These classes are usually low impact, and include activities like meditation, yoga or Pilates, so they can be done on-site or online with little to no disruption to your business.
 Tracking and Check-ins
To make sure your efforts are actually working, we provide tracking and check-in services as part of our mental health strategies. Tracking is done using data from the Melp app, along with a range of surveys and trends. This gives us a range of both qualitative and quantitative data to analyse, which means we can provide realistic insights into employee engagement, and what areas you could be improving in and where we can offer more support.
 Book a consultation to see how we can support your organisation’s mental well-being

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