Page 25 - The Holistic Healthcare Group Brochure
P. 25

  The Melp App
The average young adult is on their phone for between 5 and 7 hours a day, doing everything from schoolwork to watching videos. Research has shown that when struggling with mental health issues, young people between 10 and 18 would prefer to text than to have a phone call or even talk to someone face to face. Suitable for 14 years+, 80% of students using the Melp app would recommend it to a friend. The app supports mental well-being and allows student to explore and find things that will help them at every stage of their life – in their own time and at their own pace. Topics include exam stress, anxiety and self-care.
 After-School Clubs
We also offer regular after-school clubs. These are run by trained mental health professionals and give students a chance to deep dive into the world of mental health, and learn new techniques and tools to support themselves, and hopefully share with others. A few of the areas we can cover in after-school clubs include aromatherapy, emotional freedom techniques, mindfulness, meditation, yoga and many more.
 1-2-1 Therapist Support
Some teachers (or students) may find they want more one-on-one support for their issues. We can provide trained therapists to help support them with their mental health, and provide a range of therapies on-site, or through our Virtual Clinic. This ensures your team and students have regular, easy access to therapies and support for any kind of mental health struggle.
 Additional Resources
We provide a wide range of mental health resources for both students and teachers, including blog posts, e-magazines, reports, posters and nudges, all designed to encourage self-discovery and remind individuals of the support that is available to them. Our resources are all age appropriate and provide a consistent reminder to everyone to take care of their mental health.
 Tracking and Check-ins
To make sure your efforts are working, we provide tracking and check-in services for both teachers and students as part of our mental health strategies. Tracking is done using broad overview data from the Melp app, along with a range of surveys, questionnaires and trends. This gives us a range of both qualitative and quantitative data to analyse, which means we can provide realistic insights into your school’s performance, highlighting who is engaging as well as where your students and teachers may be struggling.

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