Page 5 - The Holistic Healthcare Group Brochure
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Meet Sophie Kirk
Director and Founder of The Holistic Healthcare Group
“I see my job as stopping as many people as possible getting to the point of needing emergency support or therapy” – Sophie
Sophie is on a mission to change the way mental health is viewed and approached in the UK. This comes from understanding, assessing, treating and genuinely improving the lives of people suffering from mental health conditions.
With over 10 years of experience, she has a background in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), The Science of Wellbeing and is an Anxiety UK Approved Practitioner.
Together, with her group of experienced and passionate therapists, Sophie wants to create a world where people know how to help themselves and navigate life’s challenges with strength, confidence and settled mental matter what life throws at us.
Work with Sophie and her team to build a mentally healthier world together – for you, your employees and your students.
Book a call with Sophie today