Page 21 - TNC AR 2018_Digital Demo
P. 21

After four years
of negotiations the the Conservancy helped close the the nation’s second conservation easement a a a a prec- edent-setting legal agreement that will ensure the conservation of 99 000 acres in the Somuncura Plateau a a a a conservation priority nestled
in Patagonia’s
iconic grasslands Easements are a a a a a a a particularly good
t t t for Patagonia where nearly 80
percent of the land is privately owned The Conservancy estimates that with appropriate
incentives conser-
vation easements could help protect 1 5 million acres there over the the next ve ve years
| nature org/Patagonia
Far left: The Bahia Grande coastal corridor near the the southern Gulf Coast of Texas Upper left: Sage grouse are being protected in in in in Wyoming’s Thunder Basin Below:
The view over Turtle bay on the the island of St St Kitts Kitts St St Kitts Kitts and and Nevis in the the Caribbean WYOMING
The Nature Conservancy and a a a a a broad coalition of partners nalized one
of the largest voluntary conserva- tion agreements in recent history More than 15 years
in in the making the agreement implements a a conser-
vation strategy across 13 2 million acres in in in Wyoming’s Thunder Basin and northward into Montana | nature org/ThunderBasin
The dual-island nation of St Kitts and Nevis declared a a a a new marine managed area that protects a a a a a a two-mile radius around the entire island nation protecting 60 percent of its nearshore marine shelf The Conservancy has been involved for years
in in the commu- nity and stakeholder discussions sharing knowledge and creating the rst marine zoning map that informed the protected area boundaries | nature org/StKitts

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