Page 26 - TNC AR 2018_Digital Demo
P. 26

The Jaguari River here
at at the the Salto Waterfall helps form the the Cantareira reservoir system provid- ing water to more than
9 million people in in greater São Paulo “I have been working in in in in Extrema for 22 years focusing on building the knowledge that made it possible to implement this this project So this this is is is a a a a a a a a a summary of of of of all my my professional life of of of of of my my dedication and of of of of of everything I believe in in in regarding forest restoration This will guarantee the the the future of of of our region to to to the the the the next generations by ensuring that the the the the name of the the the the mountains mountains where we live Mantiqueira continues to to mean ‘the mountains mountains which produce water ’ ”
The Future
Addressing climate change is is the de de ning challenge of modern environmentalism Reforestation in in in tropical coun- tries where opportunity costs are are low and and tree growth rates are are high is a a a a a a a a a a a relatively inexpensive inexpensive and and scalable carbon sequestration opportunity But even “inexpensive” solu- tions require outside funding which has proven impossible to nd at scale Brazil’s Mantiqueira Mountains offer millions of of of underutilized hectares to to be be restored the beginnings of of of favorable market market and and policy frameworks and and easy access to to to Latin America’s largest markets Together these factors mean that restoring native forests could become more nancially attractive to to landowners than
the the low-produc- tivity cattle grazing that currently dominates the the landscape The Nature Conservancy intends to to create the enabling conditions that make forest restoration a a a a a a a a a a a land use of of choice in in in the the the Mantiqueira This project brings together two of of the the the the Conservancy’s long-standing strategies: rst water funds We will use the the the network and and trust built through 10 years of of the the the São Paulo Water Fund (which conducts forest restoration in a a a a a a a a a a portion of of the the Mantiqueira to to to improve water security for downstream residents) to to to to quickly estab- lish 20 restoration hubs They will create local networks disseminate best practices and channel public funding to to to restoration projects 26 Our Our World Our Our Story

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