Page 47 - TNC AR 2018_Digital Demo
P. 47

The Nature Conservancy is contracting with the Grand Valley Water Users Association to keep 3 200 acre-feet
of water (about a a a a billion gallons) in the Colorado River The association is contracting in in in turn with individual farmers and ranchers to forgo irrigation in return for nancial compensation The project’s participants are fallowing approximately 1 250 acres for up to two years allowing much-needed ows to remain in in the river to provide system-wide bene ts including environmental ow improvements for two endangered sh species | nature org/ColoradoWater
The Nature Conservancy and partners created three new water funds in Cartagena Colombia Santa Marta and Ciénaga Colombia and Guatemala City Water funds are mechanisms that incentivize urban water users to fund conservation actions upstream in the watershed to ensure reliable ows of clean water downstream Thus far TNC as part of the Latin America Water Funds Partnership has helped create 23 water funds conserving nearly 300 000 hectares with improved environmental management on on on an an additional 1 6 million hectares that included more than 200 private and public partners | nature org/NewWaterFunds
Capping a a a a a a a a a a a a 17-year e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e ort ort ort TNC provided scienti c c c c c c data and other critical support to help the the the the community secure a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a 10-year marine reserve at at Ka‘ūpūlehu on on on the the the the North Kona Coast of Hawaii to to to restore abundance to to to a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a once-thriving shery the the the the rst such community-created marine reserve in in in the state | nature org/HawaiiReserve

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