Page 101 - Cooke's Peak - Pasaron Por Aqui
P. 101
184. Ibid., p. 295.
185. Thismighthavebeenbecauseoftheearly watering stop and a wish to make more miles that day, or it might have been to forestall an Indian attack by passing the dangerous area after dark.
186. Ibid., pp. 295-296.
187. Ibid., pp. 296-297. Bell did not indicate how he learned of this, but it must have been from a forwardscoutfromtheHollidaypartycheckingon grass and water conditions.
188. Sanderson, “A Cattle Drive,” pp. 400, 407. Erskine named most of the same outfits and also
noted herds belonging to Oliver and Montgomery, ByronandEdwards,H.Matson,andMcClure.Ob- viously there were several herds on the trail between Texas and California.
189. Bell, “Cattle Trail”, Vol. 35 (Apr., 1932), pp. 307-308; Sanderson, “A Cattle Drive,” pp. 407-408.
190. Bell, “Cattle Trail”, Vol. 36 (July, 1932), pp. 51, 55; Sanderson, “A Cattle Drive,” pp. 408-409.
191. Bell,“CattleTrail”,Vol.35(Jan,1932),p. 210.
192. Perrigo, American Southwest, p. 279.
Chapter 3