Page 6 - Cooke's Peak - Pasaron Por Aqui
P. 6
No man is an island and the preparation of this manuscript has reinforced that perception. Without the understanding and assistance of many people, several of whom will go unnamed, this effort would not have been feasible.
I would especially like to thank Tim Read of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) for suggesting the development of an audio-visual program that led to the project, and Dr. Stanley Nelson Roscoe, full-time friend and part-time employer, for providing encouragement, assistance, and the financial resources to make the entire effort possible. A special thanks also to Larry Woodard, BLM State Director, and his staff at Santa Fe and Las Cruces for the encouragement to publish the manuscript and significant assistance in doing so.
Appreciation is also noted for assistance from Dr. Darlis A. Miller, Dr. Monroe L. Billington, Dr. Miles W. Campbell, and Dr. Jeffrey P. Brown of New Mexico State University, Las Cruces (NMSU). Dr. Myra Ellen Jenkins, retired New Mexico State Archivist; Austin Hoover, Archivist for the NMSU Rio Grande Collection; Louis Corl for exacting critiques; Lee and Christine Myers for sharing knowledge of Territorial military activities; Ruth Brown, Lee Judkins, and others of the Deming-Luna County Mimbres Museum; John P. Wilson, author and historian for transcribing military recoreds; Thomas K. Todsen for Territorial postal data; Elizabeth Hyatt for her ranching stories, and Leedrue Hyatt for tolerating the many intrusions; Rick Sinars for understanding an out-of-towner’s need for a computer; Dr. Stanley B. Kimball, Grant Eastwood, and Richard W. Crawford for sharing resources dealing with the Mormons. Thanks are due also the staff members of various Mormon institutional libraries especially Grant A. Anderson and Leda Farley, and to many other archive librarians near and far such as Patricia A. Etter.
A very special thanks to Darlene, my wife and field trip partner, for timely suggestions, critical observa- tions, and painstaking editing, who suffered the long, late, and occasionally frustrating hours while keeping the dream alive.
Tothosewhoreadthesepages,Iamresponsibleforanyandallerrorsthatmayhavecreptin. Anynew information and challenges will be gratefully accepted and evaluated, especially if accompanied by specific references to generally available literature.
D. Couchman
Box 283A
La Mesa, New Mexico 88044