Page 9 - Cooke's Peak - Pasaron Por Aqui
P. 9
Table of Contents
Forward iii
Acknowledgments iv
Abstract v
List of Figures ix
List of Tables xi
Introduction 1 Endnotes 4
Chapter 1 - Early Inhabitants: Prehistory to 1845 5 The Ancient Ones 5 The Iberian Influence 13 Mexicans, Americans, and Others 21 Endnotes 25
Chapter 2 - The Mexican War and Early American Period, 1846-1848 29 The Army of the West 29 The Mormon Battalion 31 The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo 43 Endnotes 45
Chapter 3 - Securing the Wagon Road, 1849-1856 51 The Joint Boundary Commission 51 The Gadsden Treaty , 59 Surveys for the Pacific Railroad 61 The Frontier Soldier and the Indians 65 Civilian Use of the Southern Route 70 Endnotes 81
Chapter 4 - United States Mail and Transportation Development, 1857-1860 89 The Government Wagon Roads 89 The San Antonio-San Diego Mail Company 93 The Butterfield Overland Mail Company 99 The Military, the Indians, and Other Citizens 109