Page 414 - Our Vanishing Wild Life
P. 414

thesurfaceofthisblood-stainedearth. Wedon'twanttohearabout the "behavior" of protozoans while our best song birds are being exter- minated by negroes and poor whites.
CornellUniversityshouldnowawakentothenewsituation. Allthe zoologicalNerosshouldnotfiddlewhileRomeburns. Forthesakeof consistency, Cornell should devote the services of at least one member of itslargeandablefacultytothecauseofwild-lifeprotection. Cornellwas a pioneer in forestry teaching: and why should she not lead off now in the new field ?
Yale University, in Professor James W. Toumey, Director of the School of Forestry, possesses a natural, ready-made protector of wild life. From forestry to wild life is an easy step. We hopefully look forward to the development of Professor Toumey into a militant protectionist, fighting for the helpless creatures that must be protected by man or perish! If Yale is willing to set a new pace for the world's great universities, she has the Man ready at hand.
The University of Chicago should become the center of a great new protectionist movement which should cover the whole Middle West area, from the plains to Pittsburgh. This is the inflexible, logical necessity ofthehour. Eitherprotectzoology,orelseforveryshamegiveupteachingit!
Every higher institution of learning in America novo has a duty in this matter. Times have changed. Things are not as they were thirty years ago. To allow a great and valuable wild fauna to be destroyed and wastedisacrime,againstboththepresentandthefuture. Ifwemean tobegoodcitizenswecannotshirkthedutytoconserve. Wearetrus- tees of the inheritance of future generations, and we have no right to squander that inheritance. If we fail of our plain duty, the scorn of future generations surely will be our portion.

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