Page 30 - Ninety Miles From Nowhere
P. 30

   back to Ed’s in Tom’s car with him, while George brought the team and wagon.
Anyway, I arrived back at Ed’s ready to teach on Wednesday — only two days late — but I was experiencing adventure, and life without adventure would be very boring, I thought.
That is one of the things that I could not become accustomed to — the length of time it might take to perform a simple task.
One more occasion I remember was of going out before breakfast to run an errand and getting stuck in the mud, another one, a little more serious, of running an errand, again before breakfast, and having a flat tire. The road sloped to the right, so after I backed up the car, took off the wheel and got the spare tire out of the trunk, the car slipped sidewise off the jack. There wasn’t even enough room under the car to get the embedded jack out, so I had to dig it out at arm’s length with the tire tool.
I continued to dig until I had a hole deep enough to put the jack in to get it under the axle, then jacked up the car again as high as it would go. I still couldn’t quite get the spare tire on, so dug some more in the area where the wheel would go, and, with a great deal of relief, got the spare tire mounted. By the time I returned home, it was about two o’clock in the afternoon, and I hadn’t had a thing to eat or drink all that time.
Edwina Moore and Lobo

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